Master Section 3
Front Panel Features
MONITOR Output Section
The X 18R and X 20R offer an extensive monitoring system which can be used for several alternate mix and remote listening purposes.The main L/R & M mixes, the Groups, Auxes 1&2, the Tape IN, and the Solo system can all be routed to the Monitor outs. Like the Headphone section, the SOLO system is automatically routed to the Monitors.This can be defeated by pressing the SOLO OFF button.
MONITOR Level Control
This knob controls the signal level that appears at the Monitor output on the rear panel.This signal can also be assigned to the headphone system by pressing the FROM MONITOR button located below the Headphone level control.
The MONITOR System operates in stereo, and has Left and Right outputs.You can assign several stereo sources to the Monitor bus including the Aux 1/2 stereo pair, the Left/Right buses, the TAPE IN and the Groups, in stereo odd/even pairs.
The MONITOR system operates in stereo. Any stereo signals that are assigned to the Monitor system remain stereo.
The MONITOR system operates in mono. Any stereo signals that are assigned to the Monitor system are summed together in the Monitor system.
Like the Headphone section, the Solo system is automatically routed to the monitors.
Solo overrides anything that is assigned to the monitors.
The Solo system does not appear in the monitors.
NOTE: If you are 1) routing the Monitor outs to the Headphone system by pressing the FROM MONITOR button in the Headphone section, and 2) you don’t want the Solo system to show up in the headphones, you must press both SOLO OFF
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