M-Audio Torq Schaffel Mode, QuickLoop Size, Search iPod with Database, Transport Mode, Tooltips

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TorqUserGuide »» Chapter15


Schaffel Mode

Schaffel is German for “shuffle,” which has become a popular form of dance music based on a triplet rhythm as opposed to a straight 4/4 rhythm.

When this mode is activated, any of the effects (or parameters that quantize their values) will include triplets in their quantizing options.

Take the Strobe effect for example: The Parameter knob changes the rate of the Strobe effect. Normally, this would select rates of 1⁄2, 1⁄4, 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32. With Schaffel engaged, the knob would quantize to 1⁄2, 1⁄4, 1/8, 1/8T, 1/16T, and 1/32T. The “T” after the number stands for “Triplet.”

Note: Selecting a triplet quantization will give the effect or parameter a “shuffled” or funky feel.

QuickLoop Size

This option affects how the QuickLoop buttons behave.

When this preference is set to “Bar,” your loops will be established in lengths of musical bars. When this preference is set to “Beat,” your loops will be established in lengths of musical beats.

Search iPod with Database

When this preference is set to Yes, any connected iPods will have their music libraries incorporated into the Database for instant searching. If this option is off, you will have to specifically select the iPod Library in the Browser to view its contents..

Search iTunes Library with Database

If you happen to have a copy of Apple iTunes installed on your computer, selecting “Yes” for this option will integrate its Music Library into Torq’s Database. Any songs currently a part of your iTunes Library will be instantly accessible in Torq along with all other folders assigned to the Database. If this option is off, you’ll have to specifically select the iTunes Library in the Browser window to view its contents.

Transport Mode

The Nudge and Offset buttons in the Decks can have their directions reversed using this preference. By default, this option is set to Reverse, meaning the buttons operate in a manner similar to a DJ using turntables. Instead of pressing right to go faster or ahead in the song, you’ll press left (just like the closest edge of a record spinning past a DJ). If you prefer more of a “tape machine” style control, switch this option to “Normal.”


If you hover your mouse over a control in Torq, often a small Tooltip will appear describing the function of the control. Additionally, when you move a knob or slider with the mouse, a Tooltip will be displayed showing the new setting of the knob or slider. This preference chooses the level of detail in the Tooltips.

»Full—when selected, all Tooltips will be displayed, both when you hover your mouse and when you operate a control..

»Adjust—when selected, the only Tooltips that will appear are those showing the adjustment applied to a knob or slider. The normal Tooltips seen when hovering the mouse over a control will be hidden.

»None—when selected will disable all Tooltips entirely.

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Contents User Guide Table of Contents Torq User Guide Table of Contents Torq User Guide Decks Welcome Torq OverviewMain Waveform Display Torq User Guide » ChapterBrowser/Database MixerPFL/Headphone Cue Snapshots Effect RacksSampler Master Module Windows System RequirementsMacintosh OS InstallationWindows XP Displays DecksSeek ControlsOverview Waveform Play/PauseQuickCue Setting QuickCuesDeck Mode Vinyl ModeLoop In/Out CDJ ModeHybrid Mode Looping» QuickLoop Size Preference » Using QuickLoopsLoop On/Off QuickLoopSlider Range » QuickLoop BehaviorsSpeed Slider » Manual Tempo BPM Display» Automatic BPM Detection » Double/Halve ButtonKey Fine Tuning» Tap Tempo » BPM EntryMidi Keyboard Control Midi Slider/Knob ControlMidi Button Control Offset Buttons External ControlSync Button Nudge ButtonsWaveform Waveform DisplayInformation Shown on Display Cue Points Phase GridZoom Loop PointsPlayback Manipulations Vinyl ModeHybrid Mode CDJ ModeSynchronization Automatic Tempo and Phase DetectionPhase Grid Manipulations Adjusting with Offset Buttons Adjusting with the MouseAdjusting with Nudge Buttons Master Tempo Sync ButtonLocked Sync Momentary SyncEnabling Vinyl/CD Control Using Torq with only one turntable or CD playerExternal Control Torq User Guide » Chapter Reversed Playback Direction External Control CalibrationControl Type Velocity and PositionErratic Velocity Values Error IndexErratic Playback Position Relative Mode Standard ModeAMPutate Mode Absolute ModeDeck Control Midi Control Runout ProtectionBPM Matching » Clearing a Midi Assignment Midi PrefsMidi Learn » Creating a Midi AssignmentAssigning Knobs or Sliders to Buttons » Changing Midi AssignmentKeyboard Learn Assigning Buttons to Knobs or SlidersSampler Signal SourceRecording Looped Samples Sampler ControlsRecord Sample Button Recording One-Shot SamplesSample Speed/Rate Knob Sample Volume KnobTrigger Sample Button Loop Sample ButtonSample Name Window Activating QuickScratch QuickScratchAssigning Samples Creating a Snapshot SnapshotsSnapshot List Delete Snapshot Using SnapshotsMasking a Snapshot Duplicate SnapshotPolyphonic Snapshots Momentary vs. Latching BehaviorBrowser Pane Browser/DatabaseAdding Multiple Folders DatabaseAdding Folders to Database Removing Folders from Database Adding Folders from Your OSSearching Specific Database Folders Artist/Song Filename Swap File ListEditing Fields Sorting the List Loading Songs into the DecksClick and Drag Function KeysIgnore Field Reset ButtonSearch Categories Deleting a Playlist PlaylistsCreating New Playlists Rename PlaylistActivating a Playlist Adding Songs to a PlaylistRemoving Songs from a Playlist Reordering Songs in a PlaylistRename the Session Playlist Saving a PlaylistLoading a Playlist Session PlaylistPlaylists Deleting Session PlaylistsITunes LibraryIPods Searching iTunes with the DatabaseAudio CDs DrivesGain/Mute MixerMixer Architecture ChannelsPFL/Headphone Cue EQ/KillsCrossfader Curve Channel Volume FadersLine Input Buttons CrossfaderTransform Buttons » Adjusting with the Mouse» Adjusting via Midi Crossfader AssignSplit Button and Source Knob Volume ControlPFL/Headphone Cue Level Meter and Limiter Master OutputRecording Setting the Record LevelMaster Recorder FilenameEffect Slot Enable ButtonEffects Tweak Button Mix KnobRouting Button Tweak KnobBypassing the Effects DelayBuilt-In Effects Loading Effect RacksMix Knob and Routing Button Tweak KnobTweak Button ReverbTweak Knob and Button FlangerDual-Filter PhaserDistortion Parameter Button StrobeReverse Parameter KnobRepeat BrakeSelecting Effects VST EffectsLatency VST Crash Guard VST Preset ManagementAssigning Controls Master Tempo ReWireAudio Routing Audio Tab PreferencesBuffer Size Audio InterfaceSample Rate Midi Tab Crossfader Curve Control Auto-Detect M-Audio Devices On/OffScratch Sensitivity Nudge SensitivityExternal Control AMPutate ModeExternal Control Tab Midi DevicesSystem VST Plug-in Directory Plug-ins TabControl Calibration Cue Exclusivity Miscellaneous TabCustom VST Plug-in Directory Torq EngineSearch iPod with Database Schaffel ModeTransport Mode QuickLoop SizeSkin Sync ModeSample Counter Appendix Preset Key AssignmentsWarranty Terms Warranty Registration Warranty