Roland Musical Instrument manual Improv

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maxWerk - Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke

Published by RedMoon Music -

1.12 Improv

To round out this introductory description of features, we'll describe one more specialty track whose settings become part of a Werk file and whose output is recorded in midifiles. maxWerk's Improv player looks for inspiration to your choices from source menus, where you can select up to four existing Basic Loops and/or Melody Phrases. These sources may be important motifs in your Werk, or they may be ones dedicated to Improv. Improv can combine them with default new generated phrases or fills. For each new musical idea, it picks sections of different step lengths beginning from the starts of its source patterns, and assembles these into a new phrase. It then applies Melody-style treatments to develop and resolve the material. Without asking your opinion, Improv indefatigably composes a new tune after a certain number of bars you can set, filtering it through a combination of direction and inversion functions. When you select busier source patterns, Improv plays livelier tunes. Using the style menu setting, you can stretch these over additional bars to produce more moderate and relaxed lines.

Once enabled, by default Improv pops up wherever it pleases in the stereo field. Improv has a resolution of sixteenth notes, and you can impose a start delay in 32nd note increments. Several more play options similar to those of other tracks make Improv an interesting companion while you try out chord progressions or simply noodle.

With Automute active, maxWerk can trigger a section of Improv bars and silence them for you at selected points for recording to a midifile. The setting for in/out bar numbers is in the performance- oriented Automute window. However, there is no telling exactly what Improv's note patterns will be. Alternatively, you can start up and discontinue Improv manually during recording; on being dismissed, it holds its last note a little before dropping out gracefully. Get more insight as to how Improv works and its other parameters by reading about the similar, but relatively more predictable and obedient Melody track, under "More Melodizing" in Part II of this Guide.


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Contents MaxWerk Contents Meet maxWerk MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke What maxWerk Doesnt Do MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Concepts and a Tour Global SetupMenu Items MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Main Screen MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Features to Note Automute MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Basic Loops MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Controllers Drum LoopsMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Transposer MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Melody MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke 5-4-3-2-7 == == == var var var var ==3-4-5-6-7…changes to 6-5-4-3-2 Block Map Improv Werksync NoodleII. maxWerk In Depth Main SettingsMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Patch Changes Loop Magic User ScalesMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Loop Magic MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Step-Split Tracks 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 0 3 3 2 5 5 0 5 4 3 3 2Offset Note Lines MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Keyboard Entry MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Deeper Drums Idea TrackMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Control Tricks MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Copy / Import PhatWerkMore Melodizing MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke 15 PC-1600 Setup PC-1600 maxWerk-control layout Werk FilesMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Arpeggiator Bar Looping Buttons see ArpeggiatorApostrophe see Click Click Bar locatorsBar scroll Beat clock see Sync Block MapIdea Copy & save progressionsCopy/Import GlobalsKeyboard step entry Key CommandsKey shift Keyboard mappingMute Melody block selectPlay and Stop Performance modeReset to Bar Reset to go-to barTempo scroll ScalesSync Contact Information