Roland Musical Instrument manual More Melodizing

Page 60

maxWerk - Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke

Published by RedMoon Music -

before copying or importing data, as these changes overwrite destination data and can't be undone!

2.14 More Melodizing

We have seen that melodies have 16th-note resolution, and therefore global Meter affects the total number of steps in Melody Phrases and Blocks. From 2-bar seed phrase buttons located at the top of the Melody window you can bring up a second zoom-in window that lies over it. Here you can compose melodies that use a two-bar motif or Phrase as source material for each four-bar Block.

In the Phrases window is a smaller non-editable representation of the full Block you are editing, labeled block view. Changes are immediately reflected here as you make them in the Phrase display, unless the Block's lock switch is activated. The set of lock switches, located to the right of each Melody Editor Block and having a corresponding button in the Phrases window, are all engaged by default when you load a Werk file. The changeable background color of the full Block display in both the Phrases and main Melody windows is a quick lock-status indicator. When you work with Phrases, unlock the Block you wish to edit first, in order to allow data to pass through from the Phrase window to the main Editor. The main Editor allows partial or complete departures from Phrase-entered note lines by direct hand editing of the Block sequences. When you lock the full Block pattern after final hand- edits, you ensure that further Phrase window edits will not overwrite the Block.

The Melody track draws on eight random velocity groups for each Block, one for each half-bar. An editable graphic below the Phrases display beside Block View represents the full Block's worth of velocity data. The eight vertical bars have five incremental steps corresponding to a constant maximum value of 127 or one of four randomized-value ranges between 64 and 127. Keep in mind that this display doesn't depict velocities of single Phrase notes; these are ranges for bar sections that may cover several notes! The change between two value groups per bar from which velocities are drawn occurs on the variable Transposer-stored mid-bar count.


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Contents MaxWerk Contents Meet maxWerk MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke What maxWerk Doesnt Do MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Global Setup Concepts and a TourMenu Items MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Main Screen MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Features to Note Automute MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Basic Loops MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Drum Loops ControllersMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Transposer MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Melody MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke == == == var var var var == 5-4-3-2-73-4-5-6-7…changes to 6-5-4-3-2 Block Map Improv Noodle WerksyncMain Settings II. maxWerk In DepthMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Patch Changes User Scales Loop MagicMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Loop Magic MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Step-Split Tracks 1 0 3 3 2 5 5 0 5 4 3 3 2 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0Offset Note Lines MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Keyboard Entry MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Idea Track Deeper DrumsMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Control Tricks MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke PhatWerk Copy / ImportMore Melodizing MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke 15 PC-1600 Setup Werk Files PC-1600 maxWerk-control layoutMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Bar Looping Buttons see Arpeggiator Apostrophe see ClickArpeggiator Bar locators Bar scrollBeat clock see Sync Block Map ClickCopy & save progressions Copy/ImportGlobals IdeaKey Commands Key shiftKeyboard mapping Keyboard step entryMelody block select MutePerformance mode Reset to BarReset to go-to bar Play and StopScales SyncTempo Tempo scrollContact Information