Roland Musical Instrument manual 3-4-5-6-7…changes to 6-5-4-3-2

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maxWerk - Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke

Published by RedMoon Music -

that is among the Basic Loop Note Editor's options.

Since we brought up the subject: when you use the similar function in the Note Editor by enabling the invert alt. loops checkbox, the value set:

1-2-3-4-5-6-7…changes to


…on alternate repetitions. Note the difference between this re- mapped value pattern and the one previously illustrated. In contrast to Melody's "variation" function that inverts chordal tones, the Note Editor’s play "inversion" function follows the traditional musician's definition of the term, and changes the triadic chord expressed.

The two types of play patterns work together on the Phrase, and because Phrase and Block information is stored separately, you can edit by hand the resulting sequences in the full Block display. You might wish to remove some notes in the last Block bar, for example. Since any further edits to Phrases will refresh an unlocked Block display, you should engage the Block lock switch and make finishing touches to Block displays last. You can use copy block to clone a favorite Phrase before experimenting with new direction and variation patterns, and then repeat any needed finish-work in the Block editor.

When maxWerk generates Phrases, it doesn't provide for value 8, since Melody transposing does not need to reference (+)Notes. While any transposition-enabled Block is in play, the pattern notes you hear derive from the combined pitch-determining data of Keys- with-Offsets, Scales, and Tonics. Melody displays have a range of two octaves plus one step, beginning and topping out with the pitch at Scale step 5. Even when transposed, Melodies do not exceed this range, which by default is maximized. The Melody Sound window has constrain to scale steps settings that let you narrow the range of pitches allowed for all Blocks by adjusting upper and lower wrap- around points.


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Contents MaxWerk Contents Meet maxWerk MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke What maxWerk Doesnt Do MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Concepts and a Tour Global SetupMenu Items MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Main Screen MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Features to Note Automute MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Basic Loops MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Controllers Drum LoopsMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Transposer MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Melody MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke 5-4-3-2-7 == == == var var var var ==3-4-5-6-7…changes to 6-5-4-3-2 Block Map Improv Werksync NoodleII. maxWerk In Depth Main SettingsMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Patch Changes Loop Magic User ScalesMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Loop Magic MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Step-Split Tracks 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 0 3 3 2 5 5 0 5 4 3 3 2Offset Note Lines MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Keyboard Entry MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Deeper Drums Idea TrackMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Control Tricks MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Copy / Import PhatWerkMore Melodizing MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke 15 PC-1600 Setup PC-1600 maxWerk-control layout Werk FilesMaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke MaxWerk Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke Bar Looping Buttons see Arpeggiator Apostrophe see ClickArpeggiator Bar scroll Bar locatorsBeat clock see Sync Block Map ClickCopy/Import Copy & save progressionsGlobals IdeaKey shift Key CommandsKeyboard mapping Keyboard step entryMute Melody block selectReset to Bar Performance modeReset to go-to bar Play and StopSync ScalesTempo Tempo Contact Information