Continental Electric CEDVD95245 GHQWL¿FDFLyQGHFRQWUROHV, Panel frontal, Panel posterior

Page 34


Panel frontal



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Panel posterior

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Image 34
Contents DVD with Karaoke Safety Precautions AvisImportant Safety Instructions Additional Safety InstructionsTo obtain a clear picture PrecautionsDo not use the player when moisture condensation may occur Moisture condensation occurs during the following casesIntroduction UnpackingHow to handle, clean, and store discs Handling discs Table of Contents Identification of Controls Remote Control Preparing the Remote Control Connecting to a TV Connecting to Optional Equipment BetterEnjoy Dolby Digital Best How to playback a disc Playing Back a DiscResuming Playback from the Same Location Locating a Title Using the Title Menu Locating a Specific Title, Chapter or TrackKaraoke Locating a Title / ChapterHOW to Repeat a TITLE, CHAPTER, or Track Playing RepeatedlyZooming a Picture Selecting SubtitlesSelecting The Camera Angles/ Languages / Audio Settings MP3/MPEG4 Operation Using the On-Screen DisplayPlaying Back Your Kodak Picture CD/JPEG Setting the Parental Lock Setting the parental lockCustomizing the Function Settings Displaying the setup menu screenDolby Specifications Dvd video player/outputs/supplied accessoriesAre produced on Players Playback pictures Troubleshooting GuideUnstable or noises OutletDVD CON Karaoke 5LHVJRGHGHVFDUJDHOpFWULFD1RDEULU Precauciones DE SeguridadPrecaución Advertencia CON EL FIN DE Prevenir UN Incendio O DescargaSRUSDUWHGHOXVXDULR QVWUXFFLRQHVGHVHJXULGDGLPSRUWDQWHVSHULRGRVSURORQJDGRV SXHGHGHMDUPDUFDVHQHODFDEDGR 3UHFDXFLRQHVTXHVHSURGXFDIXHJR SURGXFWRQWURGXFFLyQ Discos QUE SE Puede Reproducir EN Este Equipo DUDRNH  ËQGLFHGHFRQWHQLGRVGHLPiJHQHV.RGDN Panel frontal GHQWL¿FDFLyQGHFRQWUROHVPanel posterior RQWUROUHPRWR VWDIXVLyQVHHQFXHQWUDGLVSRQLEOHCómo preparar el control remoto Cómo utilizar el control remotoSURJUHVLYD RQHLyQDXQWHOHYLVRUODRSFLyQ NotasFKRHLTXLHUGR  RQHLyQDHTXLSRVRSFLRQDOHVRJLF6XUURXQG GRVDOWDYRFHVWUDVHURV DEULFDGREDMROLFHQFLDGHROE\/DEV Cómo disfrutar de Dolby Digital /$0-2523&,g1 SURKLELGRV Cómo disfrutar del sonido del sistema de audio YPRUHSURGXFLUXQGLVFRReproducción básica Cómo detener la reproducción\HFWDUHOGLVFR 5HSURGXFFLyQDYDQDGD 3DQWDOODGH79 KDFLDDGHODQWH 3UHVLRQH YDULDUYPRXELFDUXQFDStWXORHVSHFt¿FRRSLVWD LVFRGHYLGHR9HVHWtWXORXWLOLDQGRORVERWRQHVPpGLFRV Cómo ubicar capítulos o pistas posteriores3DUDGLVFRVGHDXGLR\03 YPRXELFDUXQWtWXORFDStWXORDUDRNH Cómo instalar el karaokeUHSLWHHOGLVFR 5HSURGXFFLyQUHSHWLWLYDCómo repetir un título, capítulo o pista YPRUHSHWLUXQVHJPHQWRHVSHFt¿FRFDPELDUHOSXQWRGHDFHUFDPLHQWR $FHUFDPLHQWRGHODLPDJHQ6HOHFFLyQGHVXEWtWXORV GLVFRHQODSDQWDOODGHVXWHOHYLVRUUHSURGXFLUGLVFRVTXHKD\DQVLGRJUDEDGRVFRQRWURIRUPDWR FLRQHVGHDXGLRCómo cambiar el ángulo de cámara VHUHHPSODFHHOGLVFR8VDQGRHQHO0HQ~2SHUDFLRQDO XQFLRQDPLHQWRGHO0303*YPRYHUL¿FDUHOHVWDGRRSHUDFLRQDO YPRLQVWDODUHOVHJXURSDUDSDGUHV Cómo cambiar la contraseña3UHVLRQH6783 YPRSHUVRQDOLDUODVIXQFLRQHVSUHIHUHQFLDV 3UHVLRQH6783SDUDVDOLUGHOPHQ~GHLQVWDODFLyQ‡/DFRQWUDVHxDSUHGHWHUPLQDGDHV YPRSHUVRQDOLDUODVIXQFLRQHVFRQWLQXDFLyQVHHQFXHQWUHHQSDQWDOOD Reproductor de video VSHFL¿FDFLRQHVXtDGHVROXFLyQGHSUREOHPDV Salidas