Audible Search
Note: Audible search does not work on CDGs.
Hold | down SEARCH/SKIP (l | ) or |
( | l) to search rapidly forward or back- |
ward during play. The CD plays rapidly, and you hear the sound at a high speed and low volume.
Release the button to resume normal play.
Intro Scan
You can set the system to play the first 10 seconds of each track on the CD/ CDG so you can quickly find the one you want.
To begin scanning, press INTRO. IN- TRO appears on the display and the CD/ CDG player plays the first 10 seconds of each track, beginning with the first track, then stops.
You can also use repeat play and search during intro play.
To cancel intro play during or after play, press INTRO. If you cancel INTRO scan during play, the CD/CDG player begins normal play.
Repeat Play
You can repeat a single track, all the tracks on a CD/CDG, or an entire pro- grammed sequence. See “Programmed Play” on Page 15.
To continuously repeat a single track, press REPEAT once while the desired track is playing. REPEAT 1 appears.
To continuously repeat all tracks on the CD/CDG, repeatedly press REPEAT until REPEAT ALL appears.
To repeat a programmed sequence, re- peatedly press REPEAT until REPEAT ALL appears with MEMORY on the dis- play.
To cancel repeat play during or after play, repeatedly press REPEAT until RE- PEAT disappears. If you cancel repeat play during play, the CD/CDG player re- sumes normal play.
Random Play
You can use the system to play all tracks on a loaded CD/CDG in a random order.
1.To set random play while a CD is stopped or in play, press RANDOM. RANDOM and the first randomly selected track number appear on the display.
2.Press PLAY/PAUSE, briefly flashes.
3.The track begins to play, and the system plays all the tracks in ran- dom order.
4.When the system reaches the end of the last track in the random order, it automatically stops.