Microphone Operations
Using Digital Echo
Digital Echo gives vocals a more professional,
●ECHO - This controls the amount of Echo effect that will be heard. Turn clockwise to increase the amount of echo and
●REPEAT- Use this control to adjust the REPEAT setting of the ECHO effect. As REPEAT adjusts the total number of echo intervals prior to
●DELAY - This control adjusts the amount of time between each echo repeat. Turn clockwise to make the time shorter and
Adjusting the KEYBOARD Volume
1.The master KEYBOARD Volume can be adjusted using the front panel control
2.Turn the KEYBOARD VOLUME control clockwise to raise the volume and
Adjusting the GUITAR Volume
1.The master GUITAR Volume can be adjusted using the front panel control
2.Turn the GUITAR VOLUME control clockwise to raise the volume and
Note: KEYBOARD & GUITAR TO ECHO ON/OFF button - This button is used to turn on or turn off the connection between the Keyboard / guitar inputs and the digtal ECHO circuitry. Depress this button to activate the digital ECHO. Release this button to the UP position to disconnect the digital ECHO.