Grizzly H3098 instruction manual Correct 1st fret string heights

Page 19

To check the string heights of the 1st and 6th strings at the 1st fret:

Measure the string heights at the 1st fret (Figure 16).

To check the string heights of the 1st and 6th strings at the 12th fret:

Measure the string heights at the 12th fret (Figure 17).

Guitar Body

String Nut

6th String: 564"

Guitar Body


6th String: 264"





1st String: 364"


1st Fret

1st String: 164"

12th Fret


Figure 16. Correct 1st fret string heights.

Figure 17. Correct 12th fret string heights.



— If the string heights are correct, then

— If the string heights are correct, then con-

move to checking the string heights at the

tinue to the next sub-section.

12th fret.

— If the string heights are incorrect at the


— If the string heights are incorrect at the 1st

12th fret, this is an indication that the

fret, this is an indication that the groove

groove the saddle sits in needs to be

the string nut sits in needs to be either

either deepened or made shallower. This

deepened or made shallower. This condi-

condition is most likely a result of wood

tion is most likely a result of wood move-

movement due to humidity changes in the

ment due to humidity changes in the envi-

environment. We recommend having a

ronment. We recommend having a quali-

qualified guitar technician raise or lower

fied guitar technician raise or lower the

the saddle before continuing.

nut before continuing with string height




adjustment at the 12th fret.











H3098 Western Guitar Kit


Image 19
Contents Western Guitar KIT Page Table of Contents Safety Introduction 201 204 206 202 Parts Inventory101 102 205 207 210 208209 Supplies/Tools Guitar Body SandingRecommended Tools & Supplies Bridge NeckFingerboardNeck to Body AssemblyTo attach the neck to the body Position Dots To install the truss rodTo install the position dots Truss RodTo attach the fingerboard to the neck To install the position marksPosition Marks Fingerboard to NeckTo determine the correct bridge location Bridge LocationMasked bridge area Blocked sound hole Covered AreasTo attach the sound hole decal Painting/Finishing Sound Hole DecalTo install the tuning machines Attaching Bridge Tuning MachinesTo attach the bridge to the body To attach the pick guard to the body To install the guitar stringsPick Guard Winding StringsPage String height measurement Neck Adjustment String HeightCorrect 1st fret string heights Important issues to consider when tuning a guitar End Pin TuningTo attach the end pin to the guitar body To tune the guitar Reference Info Aftermarket AccessoriesGeneral H3098 Western Guitar Kit Warranty & Returns Warranty Card BOX BELLINGHAM, WA Grizzly INDUSTRIAL, INCPage Call Today For a Free Full Color Catalog