Grizzly H3098 instruction manual Sanding, Supplies/Tools Guitar Body, Recommended Tools & Supplies

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Guitar Body







The majority of the wooden components in this kit are fully machined from the factory and are ready for assembly. A small amount of drilling, sanding and light machining will need to be performed to complete the guitar.

Recommended Tools & Supplies:

—Phillips Screwdriver

—Needle-Nose Pliers —Electric Drill —Drill Bit Set

—#180, #240, and #320 Aluminum-Oxide Sanding Paper

—Sanding Block

—Masking Tape —Painting/Finishing Supplies —Coat Hanger —C-Clamp

—5mm Allen Wrench (Supplied) —Tack Cloth

—Coping, Jig, or Scroll Saw (Optional)

The guitar body has been assembled and rough sanded at the factory; however, no finish has been applied.

To sand the guitar body:

1.Wear an ANSI-approved respirator and safety glasses when sanding wood!

2.Using either an electric palm sander or a sanding block, sand the guitar body (EXCEPT the guitar neck notch, the edges, and the sound hole) with #180 grit aluminum- oxide sanding paper until there is a consis- tent scratch pattern on the entire surface. Note—When hand sanding, always sand in the same direction as the wood grain.

3.Sand the guitar body with a #240 grit sand- ing paper until there is a consistent scratch pattern on the entire surface.

4.Sand the guitar body with a #320 grit sand- ing paper until there is a consistent scratch pattern on the entire surface.

5.Wipe the guitar body with a damp cloth. Wiping the workpiece with a damp cloth before the final sanding helps to “raise” the wood grain; thus, allowing the “raised” grain to be sanded smooth.

6.Once the guitar body is dry, repeat step 4.

7.Wipe the guitar body with a tack cloth to remove all remaining sanding dust.













H3098 Western Guitar Kit


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Contents Western Guitar KIT Page Table of Contents Safety Introduction 201 204 206 202 Parts Inventory101 102 205 207 210 208209 Supplies/Tools Guitar Body SandingRecommended Tools & Supplies Bridge NeckFingerboardNeck to Body AssemblyTo attach the neck to the body Position Dots To install the truss rodTo install the position dots Truss RodTo attach the fingerboard to the neck To install the position marksPosition Marks Fingerboard to NeckTo determine the correct bridge location Bridge LocationMasked bridge area Blocked sound hole Covered AreasTo attach the sound hole decal Painting/Finishing Sound Hole DecalTo install the tuning machines Attaching Bridge Tuning MachinesTo attach the bridge to the body To attach the pick guard to the body To install the guitar stringsPick Guard Winding StringsPage String height measurement Neck Adjustment String HeightCorrect 1st fret string heights Important issues to consider when tuning a guitar End Pin TuningTo attach the end pin to the guitar body To tune the guitar Reference Info Aftermarket AccessoriesGeneral H3098 Western Guitar Kit Warranty & Returns Warranty Card BOX BELLINGHAM, WA Grizzly INDUSTRIAL, INCPage Call Today For a Free Full Color Catalog