Dear Customer,
Welcome to the team of EURODESK users and thank you very much for expressing your confidence in BEHRINGER products by purchasing the MX2442A.
It is one of my most pleasant tasks to write this letter to you, because it is the culmination of many months of hard work delivered by our engineering team to reach a very ambitious goal: creating an outstanding device that will become a standard tool used by studios and PA companies. The task to design the MX2442A certainly meant a great deal of responsibility, which we assumed by focusing on you, the discerning user and musician. It also meant a lot of work and night shifts to accomplish this goal. But it was fun, too. Developing a product usually brings a lot of people together, and it really is a great feeling when everybody who participated in such a project can be proud of what we’ve achieved!
It is our philosophy to share our joy with you, because you are the most important member of the BEHRINGER family. With your highly competent suggestions for new products you’ve greatly contributed to shaping our company and making it successful. In return, we guarantee you uncompromising quality (manufactured under ISO9000 certified management system) as well as excellent technical and audio properties at an extremely affordable price. All of this will enable you to fully unfold your creativity without being hampered by budget constraints.
We are often asked how we are able to produce such
I would like to thank all people whose help on “Project MX2442A” has made it all possible. Everybody has made very personal contributions, starting from the designers of the unit via the many staff members in our company to you, the user of BEHRINGER products.
My friends, it’s been worth the trouble!
Thank you very much,
Uli Behringer