3.2 Equalizer
All mono input channels are fitted with a and lower
shelving controls have their frequencies fixed at
12 kHz and 80 Hz respectively. The midrange control is
). All three bands have up to 15 dB of cut and boost, with a center detent for “off”. Thirdly, there is a steep high pass
, slope @ 18 dB/oct, for reducing floor rumble, breath noise and popping, woolly bottom end etc.
+The combination of shelf boost at 80 Hz together with
3.3 Aux Sends
All six aux sends are mono and
. A SHIFT switch (
) toggles the second control pair either to aux send 3/4 or 5/6.
+For almost all FX send purposes, you will want aux sends to be
+Most reverbs etc. internally sum up the left and right inputs. The very few that do not may be driven in true stereo by using 2 aux sends.
+There is +15 dB of gain on every aux send. Such a high boost is usually only appropriate where the channel fader is set around
Channels may be altered for
3.4 Routing & Muting
Routing means selecting which bus you want a channel to address. There are three stereo buses in the EURODESK MX2442A (plus a stereo solo bus). Main mix and the subgroups are selected via the assign switches ,
. SOLO/PFL have already been explained in section 3.1.
Channel PAN positions the output of the channel in the stereo field. Its
All stereo buses follow channel PAN. Usually, only one of the buses will be selected for a particular channel.
+An exception to this rule is when laying down voice takes. It is often convenient to have the mic channel(s) routed to all potential take tracks simultaneously, since you are often dropping in quickly between four or more tracks. It means one less button to press each time you switch tracks.
The level to the group and main left and right buses is ultimately determined by the channel fader . It is designed to give a smooth logarithmic taper of a type more usually associated with megabuck consoles. The low level performance particularly is far smoother than that of a “normal budget” fader.
The MUTE button , like that for SOLO
is ergonomically placed immediately above the channel fader, and has an associated LED for excellent visual status indication of this