M-Audio Drums quick start Additional Information and Support

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4.Follow the driver installer’s on-screen directions.

5.At various points in this installation process, you may be notified that the driver being installed has not passed Windows Logo Testing. Click “Continue Anyway” to proceed with the installation.

6.Click “Finish” once the installer is complete.

7.Connect your new MIDI controller to an available USB port and switch it on.

8.Windows will identify the new MIDI controller and will display a “Found New Hardware Wizard.” If you have Service Pack 2 installed on your computer, you will be asked if you’d like to search the Internet for a driver. Please select “No, not this time” and press “Next.” You’ll then see a screen like the one seen below:

9.Choose “Install software automatically” and click “Next.”

10.Once the final “Found New Hardware” wizard is complete, you will see a message pop up that says “Your new hardware is installed and ready to use.”

Additional Information and Support

We recommend checking the M-Audio website regularly for driver updates and additional information. The web address for the site is www.m-audio.com. You’ll find links to drivers, news stories, FAQs, additional products, and tech support.


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Contents Trigger Finger English Installation ProcedureBasic Installation Installing the Windows Multi-client DriverAdditional Information and Support Français Procédure d’installationInstallation de base Installation du pilote multiclient pour WindowsInformations complémentaires et assistance Deutsch InstallationInstallation des Multi-Client-Treibers für Windows Grundlegende HinweiseZusätzliche Informationen und Support Español Procedimiento de instalaciónInstalación básica Instalación del controlador Windows Multi-clienteInformación adicional y soporte Italiano Procedura di installazioneInstallazione di base Installazione del driver Multi-client per WindowsInformazioni aggiuntive e assistenza インストール方法 ドライバとサポート情報 M80010QS