Lopi 21 TRV manual Lopi products are made in the U. S. A. with pride

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Only the most professional specialty hearth retailers are selected to sell Lopi stoves, inserts and fireplaces. They represent our total commitment to exceptional products and excellent service. In addition, they have successfully completed special training programs in the proper selection, installation and service of all Lopi products.

Your professional Lopi hearth dealers are experts who can advise you on everything from

customizing the color of your appliance to selecting appropriate venting and chimney materials. They can show you Lopi models on display, including working models actually burning.

Lopi also produces a wide variety of quality wood, pellet and gas stoves and inserts .

Ask your dealer for details

Find your favorite fire today by visiting www.lopifire.com

Lopi products are made in the U. S. A. with pride.

Your Lopi Authorized Dealer:


Lopi reserves the right to alter or improve its products at any time without notification.




Ember-Fyre™ is a registered trademark of Travis Industries, Inc. All other trademarks also belong to Travis Industries.


© 2006 T. I.

Images are for descriptive purposes only. Printed in U.S.A.





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Contents Direct Vent GAS Fireplaces Direct Vent GAS Fireplaces AMERICA’S Favorite FireTWO Styles Fireplaces for ANY Need Portrait Style FireplacesLooking Glass PORTRAIT-STYLE GAS Firepla Painted to match the room decorMaximum Input Btu’s/Hr Minimum Output Btu’s/Hr Page Customize Looking Glass GAS Fireplace Aromatherapy and Essential OIL OptionWilmington GAS PORTRAIT-STYLE Fireplace Up to 650 Sq. FtBlack Wilmington Wall Thermostat PORTRAIT-STYLE Installation SpecificationsPORTRAIT-STYLE Fireplace Options Bedford LANDSCAPE-STYLE Fireplace Wilmington LANDSCAPE-STYLE Fireplaces Option Discovery LANDSCAPE-STYLE Fireplaces DVL fireplace above is shown with the optional pewter door DVS & DVL Fireplaces LANDSCAPE-STYLEDVS and DVL Fireplace Options Reversible FirebackClearances to Combustibles AfueLANDSCAPE-STYLE DVS and DVL Fireplace Framing Specifications Corner InstallationsIs IT a Wood or GAS FIRE? Patented EMBER-FIREBURNERLopi products are made in the U. S. A. with pride