Lopi 21 TRV manual Looking Glass PORTRAIT-STYLE GAS Firepla, Painted to match the room decor

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The Looking Glass is shown in the Oxford



Brown porcelain enamel finish. Shown with



Heating Capacity

Steady State Efficiency

optional Cast Shell Interior and pre-

Up to 650 Sq. Ft.

Up to 77.2% (NG) 74.5% (LP)

manufactured tall corner cabinet that has been





painted to match the room decor.



Image 4
Contents Direct Vent GAS Fireplaces Direct Vent GAS Fireplaces AMERICA’S Favorite FireTWO Styles Fireplaces for ANY Need Portrait Style FireplacesLooking Glass PORTRAIT-STYLE GAS Firepla Painted to match the room decorMaximum Input Btu’s/Hr Minimum Output Btu’s/Hr Page Customize Looking Glass GAS Fireplace Aromatherapy and Essential OIL OptionWilmington GAS PORTRAIT-STYLE Fireplace Up to 650 Sq. FtBlack Wilmington PORTRAIT-STYLE Fireplace Options PORTRAIT-STYLE Installation SpecificationsWall Thermostat Bedford LANDSCAPE-STYLE Fireplace Wilmington LANDSCAPE-STYLE Fireplaces Option Discovery LANDSCAPE-STYLE Fireplaces DVL fireplace above is shown with the optional pewter door DVS & DVL Fireplaces LANDSCAPE-STYLEDVS and DVL Fireplace Options Reversible FirebackClearances to Combustibles AfueLANDSCAPE-STYLE DVS and DVL Fireplace Framing Specifications Corner InstallationsIs IT a Wood or GAS FIRE? Patented EMBER-FIREBURNERLopi products are made in the U. S. A. with pride