The units are outfitted at the factory with horizontal air outlet flaps.
The individually adjustable fins allow the flow of warm air to be aimed in two directions.
Air outlet accessories
Air outlet flap B (horizontal/vertical)
Installing the flap allows air to be directed across longer distances. The vertical and horizontal arrangement of the fins make it possible to direct the air in up to 4 direc- tions
When retrofitting, the fins of the existing air outlet flap must be removed.
HG 4 air outlet cover
This air outlet cover makes it possible for air to be dis- tributed evenly in 4 directions when the unit is mounted at a low level.
The air outlet cover may not be used at mounting heights of more than 5.0 m.
When retrofitting, the fins of the existing air outlet flap must be removed.
HG 4
AD ceiling air outlet nozzle
The ceiling air outlet nozzle makes it possible to con- centrate the warm air flow and is used at higher assem- bly heights and in larger halls.
When retrofitting, the fins of the existing air outlet flap must be removed.
Air intake accessories
FK filter box
The filter box with pocket filter is designed for direct at- tachment to the unit.
The pocket filter is pulled out on the side.
The filter medium of the pocket filter can be regener- ated and corresponds to the filter class EU 3.
Maintenance of the pocket filter
Depending on the operating conditions, the pocket filter must be checked at regular intervals and, if necessary, cleaned or replaced.
EF replacement pocket filters for the units:
PWW 4030 Ref. No. 1686253
PWW 4050 Ref. No. 1686254
PWW 4080 Ref. No. 1686255
PWW 4100 Ref. No. 1686256
Information about the FK filter box
How dirty the pocket filter is can be monitored via a dif- ferential pressure switch (special accessory)
When the final pressure differential is reached, the pocket filters must be replaced by new filters in the same class.
MLK mixed-air box
The ratio of outside air to circulation air can be set manually with the
Maintenance of the
When operating the