X . C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E
Your power chair is a sophisticated, motorized vehicle. Like any motorized vehicle, it requires routine maintenance checks. You can perform some of these checks yourself. But other maintenance checks may require assistance from an authorized Pride provider. Routine maintenance is very important. If you follow the routine maintenance checks in this section as scheduled, you can help ensure that your power chair gives you years of
General Guidelines
νAvoid knocking or bumping the controller, especially the joystick.
νAvoid prolonged exposure of your power chair to extreme conditions, such as heat, cold, or moisture.
νKeep the controller clean.
νWhen the battery condition meter is completely lit, the batteries are fully charged, and the controller and the electrical system are OK.
νIf one red light on the battery condition meter is blinking slowly, the batteries are low and need to be charged, but the controller and the electrical system are OK.
νIf the battery condition meter or system status light is blinking rapidly, the controller has detected a fault in either its own circuits or in your power chair’s circuits. See IX. “Operation.”
νMake sure the drive tires are inflated to 30 – 35 psi.
WARNING! Make sure your tires are inflated to
WARNING! Do not use a high pressure hose to inflate your tires.
νUse a rubber conditioner on the tire sidewalls to help preserve them.
WARNING! Never use a rubber conditioner on the tread area of the tires; doing so may make the tires slippery and cause your power chair to skid.
νCheck all electrical connections. Make sure they are tight and are not corroded. Batteries must sit flat within the battery well, with the battery terminals facing inward, toward each other. Refer to the battery wiring label for the correct wiring layout. See figure 32.
νAll wheel bearings are prelubricated and sealed. They require no subsequent lubrication.
Daily Checks
νWith the controller turned off, check the joystick. Make sure it is not bent or damaged and that it returns to the neutral position when you release it.
νCheck the rubber boot around the base of the joystick for damage.
νVisually inspect the boot. Do not handle or try to repair it. See your authorized Pride provider if there is a problem.
νVisually inspect the controller harness. Make sure that it is not frayed, cut, or has any wires exposed. See your authorized Pride provider if there is a problem with any harnesses.
Weekly Checks
νDisconnect and inspect the controller from the electronics tray. Look for corrosion. Contact your authorized Pride provider if necessary.
34 | www.pridemobility.com | Pride LX Series/Rev B/Feb 03 |