Pride Mobility SC2000PS owner manual Ultimate In Style & Performance

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Owner’s Manual


Please read the content of your owner’s manual before operating your scooter.

The Ultimate In Style & Performance®

Exeter, PA


St. Catharines, ON


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Contents Ultimate In Style & Performance F E T Y G U I D E L I N E S N T E N T S N T R O D U C T I O N SafetyPURCHASER’S Agreement Information ExchangeGeneral S a F E T YModifications Removable PartsWeight Limitations PRE-RIDE Safety CheckTire Inflation Incline Information˚ 15.8% ˚ 14.1% Braking Information Cornering InformationCorrect Curb Approach Outdoor Driving SurfacesFreewheel Mode Inclement Weather PrecautionsStairs and Escalators DoorsElevators Battery Disposal and RecyclingLIFT/ELEVATION Products BatteriesSecurement Points Motor Vehicle TransportGetting Onto and OFF of Your Scooter Positioning Belts Reaching and BendingPrescription DRUGS/PHYSICAL Limitations AlcoholElectromagnetic and Radio Frequency Interference EMI/RFI I . E M I / R FScooter Dimensions Specification SModel Numbers O U R S C O O T E R Key SwitchTiller Console Throttle Control LeverRunning Lights Switch Speed Adjustment DialPower Seat Switch Hazard Lights SwitchMain Circuit Breaker Reset Button Charger Power Cord ReceptacleAmmeter Manual Freewheel LeverBatteries not shown Motor/Transaxle AssemblyAnti-Tip Wheels B a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N G Reading Your Battery VoltageCharging Your Batteries How does the charger work? Batteries and CHARGING-FREQUENTLY Asked Questions FaqsWhat if the scooter’s batteries won’t charge? Can I use a different charger?How do I change a battery in my scooter? What type and size of battery should I use?What about public transportation? How can I ensure maximum battery life?I . O P E R a T I O N PRE-RIDE Adjustments and ChecksBefore Getting on Your Scooter Getting Onto Your ScooterPower Down Timer Feature Remove the key from the key switchGetting OFF of Your Scooter I I . C O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T S Tiller Angle AdjustmentLowering The Tiller To The Scooter Deck Raising The Tiller From The Scooter DeckArmrest Width Adjustment FRONT-TO-BACK Seat AdjustmentSeat Height Adjustment Power Seat Post Operating your power seatI I . C O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T S D I S a S S E M B LY a N D a S S E M B LY DisassemblyD a S S E M B LY Frame Positioning AssemblyDiagnostic Flash Codes A S I C TroubleshootingWhat if all the systems on my scooter seem to be dead? What if the main circuit breaker repeatedly trips? C a R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E Light Bulb Replacement Fuse ReplacementCONSOLE, CHARGER, and Rear Electronics Storing Your ScooterI . W a R R a N T Y Exclusions also include components with damage caused by Service Checks and Warranty ServiceImplied Warranties Susquehanna Ave. Exeter, PA 18643
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