Sunrise Medical S-646 SE Joystick BootF, Remote Switch Jacks optional- not shown, Engage

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X . O p e r a t i n g G u i d e

1.Never use the ON/OFF switch to stop your chair except in an emergency. This will result in an abrupt stop, and may cause you to fall.

2.To slow or stop your chair, return the joystick to neutral.

5.Joystick (E):

The joystick controls the direction and speed of your chair. Turn the chair on and move the joystick in the direction you want to go.

Moving the joystick from the neutral (center) position disengages the motor locks, allowing the chair to move.

The chair will move faster the more you move the joystick away from neutral.

NOTE– If your speed becomes hard to manage, release the Joystick and the chair will come to a complete stop.

When you release the joystick it will return to neutral; the chair will slow to a stop and the motor locks will reengage.

We recommend that you switch the chair off if you stop for any length of time. This will conserve battery power.

NOTE– Once the chair stops, switching the chair off will not affect the motor locks.

6. Joystick Boot(F):

Make sure the boot is not torn or cracked (this could allow debris, water or moisture to enter). If the boot is torn or cracked, replace it as soon as you can.

7. Remote Switch Jacks (optional– not shown):

Two 1/8” mono jacks are optional to provide remote switch control of the on/off power func- tion and the mode select function. Any of the single switches offered by Sunrise Medical can be used to connect to either or both of these jacks (except the single zero touch switch).

X . O p e r a t i n g G u i d e





Disconnect the motor locks when you need to manually


push the chair. (For example, in an emergency, or if


batteries fail).






1. Do not disengage motor locks unless power



to the chair is off.



2. Be aware that the chair will not have brakes



in the free-wheel position.


3.Make sure that the person pushing the chair has full control when motor locks are disen- gaged.

1.Release Motor Locks

To release pull lever (C) to the rear on both right & left side of chair.

2. Engage Motor Locks

To engage push lever (C) toward the front on both right & left side of chair.

930477 Rev. A

930477 Rev. A

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Contents Quickie S-646 T r o d u c t i o n Sunrise ListensSunrise Medical 303 218-4500 or 800T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s Weight Limit Controller SettingsXIV. Sunrise Limited Warranty I c k i e S 6 4 6 / S 6 4 6 S E Choose the Right Chair & Safety Options Adjust Chair to Your AbilityWhat is EMI? Review this Manual OftenMedium-Range Mobile Transceivers Long-Range TransceiversDistance from the Source Immunity LevelWeight Limit Controller SettingsSafety CHECK-LIST G e n e r a l W a r n i n g sChanges & Adjustments Dressing or Changing Clothes TransfersReaching or Leaning Obstacles Driving in ReverseRAMPS, Slopes & Sidehills To Reduce the Risk of a FALL, TIP-OVER or Loss of ControlWheelchair Lifts Curbs & Single StepsStairs EscalatorsI . W a r n i n g s C o m p o n e n t s & O p t i o n s Positioning Belts Optional Push HandlesRear Wheel Locks Optional Seating SystemsS e t u p , a d j u s t m e n t & U s e To Climb a Curb or Single StepTo Descend a Curb or Single Step Tools YOU will NeedBattery Removal Remote Joystick Installation OptionalCHECK-OUT SWING-AWAY FootrestsHEIGHT-ADJUSTABLE Armrests Optional Remote Joystick SWING-AWAY Retractable Mount OptionalSeat Height and Angle Adjustment BackrestSeat Depth Wheel LocksIf you have any problems, follow these procedures Performance Control SettingsP e r a t i n g G u i d e Qtronix Programming PAD OptionalCircuit Breakers Joystick AssemblyThermal ROLL-BACK Joystick BootF Remote Switch Jacks optional- not shownEngage Push the chair. For example, in an emergency, or ifI . B a t t e r i e s B a t t e r i e sDisposing of Batteries Charging BatteriesAlways Cleaning Battery MaintenanceI I . M a i n t e n a n c e I . M a i n t e n a n c eMaintenance Chart To Repair or Replace a TireMotor Brushes Ordering PartsR i n g A g r a m N r i s e M i t e d R r a n t y Page Sunrise Medical