Sunrise Medical
S-646 SE
instruction manual
Maintenance Chart
Joystick Assembly
Battery Removal
Adjust Chair to Your Ability
Controller Settings
Joystick BootF
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Image 26
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Quickie S-646
Sunrise Medical
T r o d u c t i o n
Sunrise Listens
303 218-4500 or 800
T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Weight Limit Controller Settings
XIV. Sunrise Limited Warranty
I c k i e S 6 4 6 / S 6 4 6 S E
What is EMI?
Choose the Right Chair & Safety Options
Adjust Chair to Your Ability
Review this Manual Often
Distance from the Source
Medium-Range Mobile Transceivers
Long-Range Transceivers
Immunity Level
Weight Limit
Controller Settings
G e n e r a l W a r n i n g s
Changes & Adjustments
Dressing or Changing Clothes
Reaching or Leaning
RAMPS, Slopes & Sidehills
Driving in Reverse
To Reduce the Risk of a FALL, TIP-OVER or Loss of Control
Wheelchair Lifts
Curbs & Single Steps
I . W a r n i n g s C o m p o n e n t s & O p t i o n s
Rear Wheel Locks Optional
Positioning Belts Optional
Push Handles
Seating Systems
To Descend a Curb or Single Step
S e t u p , a d j u s t m e n t & U s e
To Climb a Curb or Single Step
Tools YOU will Need
Battery Removal
Remote Joystick Installation Optional
SWING-AWAY Footrests
Remote Joystick SWING-AWAY Retractable Mount Optional
Seat Depth
Seat Height and Angle Adjustment
Wheel Locks
P e r a t i n g G u i d e
If you have any problems, follow these procedures
Performance Control Settings
Qtronix Programming PAD Optional
Circuit Breakers
Joystick Assembly
Joystick BootF
Remote Switch Jacks optional- not shown
Push the chair. For example, in an emergency, or if
I . B a t t e r i e s
B a t t e r i e s
Disposing of Batteries
Charging Batteries
I I . M a i n t e n a n c e
Battery Maintenance
I . M a i n t e n a n c e
Motor Brushes
Maintenance Chart
To Repair or Replace a Tire
Ordering Parts
R i n g A g r a m N r i s e M i t e d R r a n t y
Sunrise Medical
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