column patterns with even numbers! With older students, this can lead to a discussion of multiples and divisibility. Use your even/odd chart to divide groups of students into pairs. If there is one student left over the total is odd, not even!Verify your total on the chart. ProvideMultiplesstudents with practice in counting by twos, threes or fives. Place cards numbered
More advanced students can use this chart to learn the multiplication tables as you count: “One times five is , two times five is , threefivetimes five is fifteen,” andtenso on. UsePatternsthe reversible number cards to make patterns on your. Younger Hundreds Pocket Chart students will be challenged to recreate patterns from the chart,
while older students can try to identify or continue the number pattern that is displayed. You can even demonstrate fractional number patterns! Display the fractions , , … and challenge students to find the pattern. Students may say that the denominator is multiplied by six and the numerator is multiplied by three. You are multiplying by ! ReinforceFour Operationsstudents' understanding of operational concepts using the pocket chart to explore the number facts below ten. You can illustrate
the multiplication facts for certain numbers on the chart for students’ reference as they learn the concepts. For example, display the multiplication facts for six as you teach students repetitive addition and counting by sixes.
Division can be discussed as the inverse of multiplication. Start each day by putting
• Flip over all the even numbers.
• Flip over all the multiples of three.
• Flip over all the multiples of five.
Examine the patterns that are created by each of the above tasks. Discuss how the patterns differ in the “Ninety- Nine Chart” compared to the “Hundreds Chart.”
ChallengeT e LockeryourProblemstudents to explore the concept of factors with the following problem:
There are 100 lockers and 100 students in a school. The first student walks inside and opens all of the locker doors. The second student walks inside and reverses all the doors that are multiples of two. (Locker two is closed, locker four is closed, locker six is closed, etc.) The third student walks in and reverses the lockers that are multiples of three. (Locker three is closed, locker six is opened, locker nine is closed, etc.) This continues until all the students have walked into the building. Challenge your students to find the lockers that remain open. Your students can accomplish this problem by designating all the open lockers as “red” and all the closed lockers as “white.” Start with the numbers