An Imbalance in Circadian Rhythm Contributes to the Following:
• Winter blues | • Lack of energy (especially in the winter) |
• Feelings of sadness | • Sleeplessness |
• Jet lag | • Mood swings |
• Lack of concentration | • Irritability |
• Loss of appetite |
Restored Balance with BLUEWAVE Technology
Researchers have discovered that our circadian rhythms respond best to a specific bandwidth of blue light found in natural sunlight. Apollo Health has isolated this bandwidth in a new technology called BLUE- WAVE. BLUEWAVE Technology helps shift circadian rhythms back to their normal pattern by deliver- ing this
For nearly 20 years, Apollo Health’s Body Clock System™ has helped hundreds of thousands of people take control of their body clocks. The goLITE is an important part of this system. For more information about how the complete Body Clock System can help you, visit www.ApolloHealth.com.
Circadian Rhythms