Braun FG 1000 manual Âistenie a údrÏba

Page 31

Pred v˘menou strihacej hlavy zariadenie vÏdy vypnite.

Aby ste vymenili strihaciu hlavu

(2) za strihaciu hlavu (6) a naopak, otoãte hlavu proti smeru hodinov˘ch ruãiãiek o 90°, potom hlavu vytiahnite. Nasaìte druhú hlavu tak, Ïe ju nasuniete do príslu‰ného otvoru na vrchnej ãasti krytu zariadenia, potom ju otoãte o 90° v smere hodinov˘ch ruãiãiek (b).

VበSilkFinish prichádza s nástav- com na zastrihávanie (5), ktor˘ skracuje chºpky na oboãí a daº‰ích ãastiach tûla na rovnakú dºÏku.

Skontrolujte, ãi je zariadenie pred nasadzovaním zastrihávacieho hrebeÀa vypnuté.

NasuÀte ho na normálnu strihaciu hlavu (2), aÏ zacvakne na svojom mieste.

Zapnite zariadenie a jemne preãesávajte oboãie alebo iné chæpky, ktoré chcete zastrihávaÈ, proti smeru rastu chæpkov, ako je znázornené na obrázku (c). Uistite sa, Ïe jedna strana hrebeÀa je vedená naplocho k pokoÏke.

âistenie a údrÏba

Pred ãistením zariadenie vÏdy vypnite.

Zariadenie po kaÏdom pouÏití oãistite:

Pomocou kefky (7) oãistite zariadenie od chæpkov a prachu.

Prípadne môÏete opláchnuÈ zloÏenú strihaciu hlavu pod teplou teãúcou vodou. MôÏete tieÏ pouÏiÈ prírodné mydlo, pokiaº neobsahuje Ïiadne brúsne ãiastoãky a pod. Dôkladne opláchnite v‰etku penu.

Dajte pozor, aby strihacia hlava bola pred nasadením na zariadenie dokonale suchá.

Pri uskladÀovaní nasaìte na zariadenie ochrannú krytku (1).

Odporúãame dvakrát do roka alebo po kaÏdom umytí vodou premazaÈ strihacie diely hlavy kvapkou jemného oleja na ‰ijacie stroje.

Deklarovaná hodnota emisie hluku tohoto spotrebiãa je 63 dB(A), ão predstavuje hladinu A akustického v˘konu vzhºadom na frekvenãn˘ akustick˘ v˘kon 1 pW.

Právo na zmeny vyhradené.

Toto zariadenie bolo vyrobené v súlade so smernicami ES89/336/EEC.

Po skonãení Ïivotnosti neodhadzujte zariadenie do beÏného domového odpadu. Zariadenie odovzdajte do servisného strediska Braun alebo na príslu‰nom zbernom mieste zriadenom podºa miestnych predpisov a noriem.


Image 31
Contents SilkFinish 00 800 Brauninfoline Click So verwenden Sie das Gerät DeutschBeschreibung Batterie einlegenReinigung und Pflege Description BatteryUsing the appliance EnglishCleaning and maintenance Français Mode d’emploi de SilkFinishPile Nettoyage et entretien Cómo usar su SilkFinish EspañolDescripción PilaLimpieza y mantenimiento Utilização da SilkFinish PortuguêsDescrição PilhaLimpeza e manutenção Uso del SilkFinish ItalianoDescrizione BatteriaPulizia e manutenzione Uw SilkFinish gebruiken NederlandsBeschrijving BatterijReiniging en onderhoud Sådan bruges SilkFinish DanskBeskrivelse BatteriRengøring og vedligeholdelse Bruk av SilkFinish NorskRengjøring og vedlikehold Varning SvenskaBeskrivning Att använda SilkFinishRengöring och skötsel SilkFinishin käyttäminen SuomiKuvaus ParistotPuhdistus ja huolto Obs∏uga PolskiOpis BateriàCzyszczenie i konserwacja Jak pouÏívat SilkFinish Âesk˘Popis BateriíÂi‰tûní a údrÏba VloÏenie batériou Slovensk˘Ako pouÏívaÈ SilkFinish Âistenie a údrÏba SilkFinish használata MagyarLeírás ElemekTisztítás és karbantartás ÃÚ‹ÛË ÙÔ˘ SilkFinish ·Ù·Ú›Â˜∞ÂÓÂÚÁÔÔÈ‹ÛÙ ÙË Û˘Û΢‹ ÚÈÓ ·ÏÏ¿ÍÂÙ ÎÂÊ·Ï‹ ·ı·ÚÈÛÌfi˜ Î·È Û˘ÓÙ‹ÚËÛË∆Ô ÚÔ˚fiÓ ·˘Ùfi Deutsch Español Italiano Dansk Suomi Âesk˘ Slovensk˘ EÏÏËÓÈο Garantie/Kundendienststellen Deutschland Belgium Dutch Antilles Lithuania USA OÓÔÌ· Î·È Ï‹Ú˘ ‰È‡ı˘ÓÛȘ ·ÁÔÚ·ÛÙÔ‡ HÌÂÚÔÌËÓ›· ·ÁÔÚ¿˜
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FG 1000 specifications

The Braun 5363 FG 1000 is a versatile grooming tool designed specifically for precise trimming and shaping in both facial and body hair. Ideal for the modern individual seeking both efficiency and effectiveness in their grooming routine, this device combines advanced technology with user-friendly features, making it a staple in personal care.

One of the standout features of the Braun 5363 is its dual-purpose design. It is equipped with a precision trimmer that enables users to sculpt and define facial hairstyles, including beards, mustaches, and sideburns. Additionally, the device comes with a bikini trimmer attachment, allowing for safe and comfortable grooming in sensitive areas. This dual-functionality ensures that users can achieve a well-groomed appearance from head to toe without needing multiple devices.

The Braun 5363 FG 1000 also showcases advanced cutting technology, featuring ultra-sharp stainless-steel blades that deliver a clean and precise cut every time. The blades are designed to minimize pulling and tugging, resulting in a smoother grooming experience. With the device's efficient motor, users can quickly trim unwanted hair without the hassle of multiple passes, saving time in their grooming routine.

Another notable aspect is the adjustable trimming comb, which provides various length settings for customizable hair length. Whether users prefer a stubbly look or a longer beard, the Braun 5363 can easily accommodate their preferences. The ergonomic design of the device ensures a comfortable grip and precise control, making it easy to navigate around the contours of the face and body.

For added convenience, the Braun 5363 FG 1000 is designed for both corded and cordless use, featuring a rechargeable battery that provides long-lasting power. This capability allows users to groom on the go without being tethered to an outlet. The device is also easy to clean, with detachable heads that can be rinsed under water, promoting hygiene and maintenance.

In summary, the Braun 5363 FG 1000 is an innovative grooming tool that encompasses precision trimming, advanced cutting technology, and user-friendly features. With its dual-purpose design, adjustable trimming lengths, and convenient battery operation, it meets the diverse grooming needs of today’s consumers, making it an essential addition to any grooming arsenal.