Epilation in general
After epilating with the Satinxice, your skin will stay smooth and
-Do not use the appliance when the skin to be epilated is irritated or when you have varicose veins, pimples, moles (with hairs) or scratches without consulting your doctor first. When you have a reduced immune response, e.g. during pregnancy or if you are suffering from diabetes mellitus, haemophilia or immunodeficiency, you might be more susceptible. If any problems should occur, please contact your doctor as well.
-Because the appliance pulls the hairs out by the roots, the skin may be slightly sensitive or become somewhat red and irritated.This phenomenon is absolutely normal (especially when you have just started using the appliance) and will quickly disappear. As you use the appliance more often, the skin irritation will decrease. Moreover, the hairs that grow back after epilation gradually become softer and easier to remove. If, however, your skin irritation has not disappeared within three days, you are advised to consult your doctor.
-When you epilate for the first time, we advise you to try the appliance out on an area with relatively little hair growth. In this way you can get accustomed to this epilating method.