Installer’s Guide
Heat Pumps
2TWA0, 2TWA2
ALL phases of this installation must comply with NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODES
IMPORTANT — This Document is customer property and is to remain with this unit. Please return to service information pack upon completion of work.
These instructions do not cover all variations in systems nor provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation. All phases of this installation must comply with NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODES. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to your installing dealer or local distributor.
The following instructions cover 2TWA Heat Pump Units.
These outdoor units may be used with indoor units equipped with Thermostatic Expansion Valve or Accutron™ Flow Control Check Valve (F.C.C.V.) assembly for refrigerant flow control only.
Check for transportation damage after unit is uncrated. Report promptly, to the carrier, any damage found to the unit.
To determine the electrical power requirements of the unit, refer to the nameplate of the unit. The electrical power available must agree with that listed on the nameplate.
The Weathertron® Heat Pump has been designed and manufactured to withstand and operate in severe winter conditions. However, there are precautionary steps which should be taken at the time of installation which will help assure the efficient operation of the unit. It is recom- mended that these precautions be taken for units being installed in areas where snow accumulation and prolonged below freezing temperatures occur.
1.Units should be elevated 3 to 12 inches above the pad or rooftop, depending on local weather. This additional height will allow better drainage of snow and ice (melted during defrost cycle) prior to its refreezing. This should prevent a
2.If possible, avoid locations that are likely to accumulate snow drifts. If not possible, a snow drift barrier should be installed around the unit to prevent a
3.Avoid locating the unit where condensation and freezing of defrost vapor may annoy the customer. For instance, installing the unit under a bedroom, kitchen, or picture window may be annoying to the customer since conden- sate and fog will occur during the defrost cycle.
4.Avoid locating the unit under the eaves or other over- head structures as sizeable icicles may form and the unit may be damaged by these falling icicles.
1.When removing unit from the pallet, notice the tabs on the basepan. Remove tabs by cutting with a sharp tool as shown on page 2, Figure 2, and slide unit off of pallet.
2.The unit should be set on a level support pad at least as large as the unit base pan, such as a concrete slab. If this is not the application used please refer to application bulletin “Trane
3.The support pad must NOT be in direct contact with any structure. Unit must be positioned a minimum of 12" from any wall or surrounding shrubbery to insure adequate airflow. Clearance must be provided in front of control box (access panels) and any other side requiring service access to meet National Electrical Code. Also, the unit location must be far enough away from any struc-