Essick Air EM-700P, EM-700S operation manual Terms and Conditions of Sale Parts

Page 28

Effective: July 1, 2000



Terms of payment for parts are net 30 days.


All parts orders will be shipped collect or prepaidwiththechargesaddedtotheinvoice. All shipments are F.O.B. point of origin. Multiquip’s responsibility ceases when a signed manifest has been obtained from the carrier,andanyclaimforshortageordamage mustbesettledbetweentheconsigneeandthe carrier.


TheminimumchargeforordersfromMultiquip is $15.00 net. Customers will be asked for instructions regarding handling of orders not meetingthisrequirement.


Returnshipmentswillbeacceptedandcredit will be allowed, subject to the following provisions:

1.AReturnedMaterialAuthorizationmust beapprovedbyMultiquippriortoshipment.


alistmustbeprovidedtoMultiquipParts Sales that defines item numbers, quantities,anddescriptionsoftheitems tobereturned.

a.Thepartsnumbersanddescriptions must match the current parts price list.

b.The list must be typed or computer generated.

c.Thelistmuststatethereason(s)for thereturn.

d.The list must reference the sales order(s) or invoice(s) under which theitemswereoriginallypurchased.

e.The list must include the name and phonenumberoftheperson requestingtheRMA.

3.A copy of the Return Material Authorizationmustaccompanythereturn shipment.

4.Freight is at the sender’s expense. All partsmustbereturnedfreightprepaidto Multiquip’sdesignatedreceivingpoint.

5.Parts must be in new and resalable condition,intheoriginalMultiquippackage (ifany),andwithMuiltiquippartnumbers clearly marked.

6.The following items are not returnable:

a.Obsolete parts. (If an item is listed in the parts price book as being replaced by another item, it is obsolete.)

b.Any parts with a limited shelf life (such as gaskets, seals, “O” rings, andotherrubberparts)thatwere purchased more than six months prior to the return date.

c.Anylineitemwithanextendeddealer net price of less than $5.00.

d.Special order items.


f.Paint, chemicals, and lubricants.


h.Items purchased in kits.

7.Thesenderwillbenotifiedofanymaterial received that is notacceptable.

8.Such material will be held for 5 working days from notification, pending instructions. If a reply is not received within5days,thematerialwillbereturned to the sender at his expense.

9.Creditonreturnedpartswillbeissuedat dealer net price at time of the original purchase,lessa15%restockingcharge.

10.In cases where an item is accepted for which the original purchase document can not be determined, the price will be based on the list price that was effective twelve months prior to the RMA date.

11.Credit issued will be applied to future purchasesonly.


Prices are subject to change without prior notice.Pricechangesareeffectiveonaspecific dateandallordersreceivedonorafterthatdate will be billed at the revised price. Rebates for price declines and added charges for price increases will not be made for stock on hand at the time of any price change.

Multiquip reserves the right to quote and sell directtoGovernmentagencies,andtoOriginal Equipment Manufacturer accounts who use our products as integral parts of their own products.


A$20.00to$50.00surchargewillbeaddedto theinvoiceforspecialhandlingincludingbus shipments, insured parcel post or in cases where Multiquip must personally deliver the parts to the carrier.


Multiquip shall not be liable here under for damagesinexcessofthepurchasepriceofthe item with respect to which damages are claimed, and in no event shall Multiquip be liable for loss of profit or good will or for any other special, consequential or incidental damages.


No warranties, express or implied, are made in connection with the sale of parts or trade accessories nor as to any engine not manufacturedbyMultiquip.Suchwarranties made in connection with the sale of new, complete units are made exclusively by a statement of warranty packaged with such units, and Multiquip neither assumes not authorizes any person to assume for it any other obligation or liability whatever in connectionwiththesaleofitsproducts.Apart fromsuchwrittenstatementofwarranty,there arenowarranties,express,impliedorstatutory, which extend beyond the description of the productsonthefacehereof.

PAGE 28 — ESSICK EM-700S & 700P — PARTS & OPERATION MANUAL — REV. #8 (03/17/06)

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Contents PLASTER/MORTARMIXERS EM-700S EM-700PPage Heres HOW to GET Help Table of Contents Effective June 1st Safety Instructions Rules for Safe Operation & Safety DecalsWarranty Multiquip Inc. Warranty PeriodsEM-700S & 700P Operations Paddle Shaft Bearing Bearing BracketCountershaft Gear AlignmentRecommended Maintenance Ball Hitch CouplerCleaning Blade Adjustments Steel Drum MixersEM-700S & 700P Specifications Page Explanation of Code in Remarks Column Items Found In the Remarks ColumnTo 4 Units + Units TOW END EM-700S & 700P Drum Head and Paddle Shaft AssyDrum Head Parts Steel Drum EM-700S Steel DrumEM-700S Steel Drum Polyethylene Drum EM-700P Polyethylene DrumModel EM-700P CAB Assembly EM-700S & 700P GAS ENGINES, Pulleys & CAB Assembly Common PartsEM-700S & 700P Electric Motor & Pulleys Electric Motor & Pulleys EM-700S & 700P Axle & Wheel Group EM-700S & 700P Axle & Wheel Group Terms and Conditions of Sale Parts Page Heres HOW to GET Help United StatesMexico United Kingdom Canada Brazil