6) Group Number Dialing
Group number dialing will allow you to break up the telephone number into several groups to enter into the MV900. This is especially useful when using a calling card, or making long distance or international calls.
After each group of numbers entered, the MV900 will voice prompt “Finish?” If the user replies “Yes”, the MV900 will dial the number that was confirmed. If the user replies “No”, the MV900 will beep, and then the user can say the next group of numbers. This process can be repeated until all the numbers have been entered.
Below is an example that shows you how to use this method to call any number.
Steps | Command | MV900 Voice Prompt |
1 | “Dial Number” |
2 |
| Say Number |
3 | 866 |
4 |
| 866, Finish? |
5 | No |
6 |
| Say Number |
7 | 5553830(zero) |
7 |
| 5553830, Finish? |
8 | Yes |
9 |
| Dialing |
If the MV900 did not recognize the numbers correctly or the user did not reply in time or the MV900 did not recognize the confirmation command, the MV900 will assume yes then voice prompts “Finish?” In order for the user to