Using a computer
Connect Konftel 50 to the sound card using the accompanying
Plug Konftel 50 in using the power adapter as shown in the picture.
Start the computer and switch on Konftel 50 (the on/off button).
Check and adjust the computer’s sound and volume settings as per the next section.
Checking the sound unit in Windows
There follows an example of how such items appear on a computer with Windows XP. Please note that it may look different on your computer. In a Macintosh you open the computer’s system settings to select sound inputs and adjust sound levels.
Open Properties for Sound and Audio Devices. (Right click on the speaker symbol in the Activity field and select Adjust Audio Properties from the quick menu or use the start menu: Start > Control panel > Sound and Audio Devices.
Click on the Audio tab and check that the compu- ter’s sound card is selected as the standard unit. Otherwise you must actively select the computer’s sound card in your application (e.g. Skype®) each time you