When you receive voice mail or pages, your phone alerts you by:
•“Page/Msg” or “Voice Mail” appears. An asterisk (*) marks urgent messages.
•The icon appears. The icon blinks if the message is urgent.
•Four beeps sound. To turn off the beep, open the menu and select Sounds > Message (2 5).
•A single reminder beep sounds every five minutes. To turn the reminder beep on or off, open the menu and select Alerts > Msg Remind (7 5).
Your phone can store up to 700 bytes of messages (approximately 22 messages of 16 characters each). When the available memory falls below 25% of the total memory, the phone beeps and displays “WARNING! Message Memory is almost FULL. New message is rejected.”
When the phone runs out of memory, it beeps and displays “Msg memory is full. Last msg rejected.” It does not accept any new messages. Remember to erase old messages to make more memory available.
User’s Guide for the QCP 860, 1960, and 2760 Phones | 39 |