•If the telephone rings while you are storing numbers, you can answer the call by lifting the handset or pressing SPEAKER. If you answer a call before pressing the memory button for the number you were stor- ing, you must start again from Step 3 after the phone call.
•If you make a mistake while storing a number, return NORM/STORE BATT TEST to NORM then reset it to
You cannot delete a stored number, but you can store a new number in its place.
Dialing a Memory Number
To dial a number stored in memory, lift the handset or press SPEAKER. When you hear a dial tone, press the memory button for the number you want to dial.
Chain-Dialing Memory
For quick recall of numbers for special services (such as alternate long distance or bank by phone), store each group of numbers in its own memory location.
Dial the service’s main number first. Then, at the appropriate place in the call, press the memory button where the addi- tional information is stored.
Note: We recommend you do not store private or secure numbers, such as PINs.
Testing Stored Emergency Numbers
If you store an emergency service’s number (police department, fire depart- ment, ambulance) and you choose to test the stored number, make the test call during the late evening or early morning hours to avoid peak demand pe- riods. Also, remain on the line to explain the reason for your call.