Radio Shack 43-3535, 43-3544 JCKP/&KCNKPI5GTXKEG 0WODGTU, 6GUVKPI5VQTGFOGTIGPE 0WODGTU, 52&&+#.+0

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phone’s memory recall activates), then press the desired memory location number.



For quick recall of numbers for special services (such as bank-by-phone), store each group of numbers in its own memory location.

Dial the service’s main number first. Then, at the appropriate place in the call, press MEM and enter the number for the location where the additional information is stored.



If you store an emergency service’s number (police department, fire department, ambulance) and you choose to test the stored number, make the test call during the late evening or early morning hours to avoid peak demand periods. Also, remain on the line to explain the reason for your call.


You can store one number you dial often in the phone’s speed dial

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