IPv4 Address
IPv6 Address
Product Model
Part Number
Software Version
System Up Time
System Time
PPPoE Link Up
Service Status
Core Dump
The IPv4 address obtained on the phone.
The IPv6 address obtained on the phone.
Product model of the phone.
Product part number.
•boot: boot version number;
•core: core version number;
•base: base version number;
•prog: program version number. This is the main firmware release number, which is always used for identifying the software system of the phone;
•dsp: DSP version number.
System up time since the last reboot.
Current system time on the phone system.
SIP account registration status.
PPPoE connection status.
GUI and Phone service status: running or stopped.
Core dump file that could be downloaded for troubleshooting purpose.
Account Name
SIP Server
Secondary SIP Server
Outbound Proxy
Authenticate ID Authenticate Password
The name associated with the SIP account.
The URL or IP address, and port of the SIP server. This is provided by your VoIP service provider (ITSP).
The URL or IP address, and port of the SIP server. This will be used when the primary SIP server fails.
IP address or Domain name of the Primary Outbound Proxy, Media Gateway, or Session Border Controller. It's used by the phone for Firewall or NAT penetration in different network environments. If a symmetric NAT is detected, STUN will not work and ONLY an Outbound Proxy can provide a solution.
User account information, provided by your VoIP service provider (ITSP). It's usually in the form of digits similar to phone number or actually a phone number.
SIP service subscriber's Authenticate ID used for authentication. It can be identical to or different from the SIP User ID.
The account password required for the phone to authenticate with the
FIRMWARE VERSION | GXP1100/GXP1105 USER MANUAL | Page 25 of 46 |