To mask all private records:
1.Tap the Applications icon .
2.Tap Security.
3.Tap the Current Privacy pick list and select Mask Records.
Tap Mask
4. Tap OK to confirm that you want to mask private records.
Duplicating addresses
In Address Book, if you wanted to create records for two or more people working for the same company or living at the same address, you previously had to enter all the same information repeatedly to create each record.
What changed?
We added a new Duplicate Address menu item to the Record menu in Address Book, and created a new Command stroke, so you can easily copy records. When you tap the menu item or enter the command, a copy of the current record is displayed in Address Edit so you can make changes to the copied record. The word “Copy” appears in the First, Last, or Company field. The copy has the same category and attached notes as the original record. This makes it easier to enter multiple contacts at the same location.
Address list
Address view
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