Town Centre 
Within the Town Centre on the are stored the details and telephone numbers of leading brands within the UK. You can browse through the infromation and dial direct to the shops listed here at the touch of a button.
As more and more services become available
direct from the the choice available to you through the Town Centre will grow.
If you are interested in becoming a Service
Provider on Town Centre please contact us on 01565 872444.
The first time you dial from the ,
Town Centre information will be downloaded into your phone to make it easier for you to access services such as home banking and to shop direct from home. This will only take approximately 1 minute to complete.
To select a Town Centre Street
Press buttons in the order shown
Press the TOWN CENTRE button.
Use the ARROW buttons to highlight the street you require.
To restore a deleted street
If you delete a shopping or service street and want to bring it back again, just highligt it as described left and