Universal BluetoothTM Hands-Free System (ULF)
Note: The send/receive (pairing) button in 5 Series and X5 SAV is located on the oddment tray assembly in the center console.
3.Shortly after releasing the button on the Radio or Display Screen, the following message should be displayed:
a.Display Screen:
∙“Bluetooth Pairing” displayed.
∙Green, Yellow and Red LEDs on the right side of the unit are flashing which indicates that
the ULF is waiting for a signal from the BluetoothTM device to be paired.
b. Radio Display (5 Series and X5 SAV):
∙ “Bluetooth Pairing” display which indicates that the ULF is searching for available BluetoothTM devices.
∙ Green, Yellow and Red LEDs on the right side of the unit are flashing which indicates that the ULF is waiting for a signal from the BluetoothTM device to be paired.