Multi-Pairing / Switching Connections Between Phones:
The V12 can be paired to 5 different Bluetooth phones. Once 5 phones have been paired an additional pairing will automatically delete the phone that has not been used for the longest time. Thus, the V12 always maintains 5 phones in its memory.
You can easily switch to any of the paired phones by:
1.Disconnecting the currently used phone using the “Active devices” in the Bluetooth menu of that phone.
2.Connect to the wanted phone by using the “Paired devices” in the Bluetooth menu of that wanted phone.
Note: Reconnection to a paired phone can also be done by pressing the
MFB(3). But when you press the MFB(3), the V12 will attempt to connect to the last used phone only. Therefore, it is recommended to connect to another paired phone using the phone menu.
Trouble Shooting and Support Documents
See the support section of www.blueantwireless.com for troubleshooting as well as info on using with computers for VOIP application\s.
Phone/Device Software
Please make sure you have the latest firmware upgrade for your Phone especially if you are using a PDA Phone. Go to the support section of the manufacturers’ website to check you have the latest version. Many new mobile phones, pda’s and computers phones require a Bluetooth patch to improve Bluetooth functionality from the original released version.
Resetting Your Phone/Device
Phones can become prone to software and memory issues which may cause Bluetooth reconnection problems. This can be fixed simply by turning the phone off and back on again. The phone will be reset and the working memory cleared.