Personal Directory, Redial List, and Callers List
To delete the Redial List or Callers List:
1.Tap the Directory button.
2.Select Redial List or Callers List.
3.Tap the Del soft key.
4.Tap Yes.
Password Administration
The Password Administration feature is available on the Directory list. The Station Control Password (SCPW) protects your private directory information. You can perform Password Administration from your MVC 2050, once your SCPW is defined by your system administrator on the Call Server. Password Administration includes turning on or off password protection and changing your password.
When password protection is enabled, authentication is required before you can access Personal Directory, Redial List, or Callers List. You are prompted to enter your password in order to gain access to any of the
Note: The default setting for Password Protection is Off.
To turn Password Protection On/Off:
1.Tap the Directory icon.
2.Select Change Protection mode.
If Password Protection is enabled, you are prompted to enter your password.
3.Tap one of the following:
—Ent to confirm
—Del to delete your password
—Clr to clear your password
—Can to cancel and return to the Directory list