| PAGE 13 of 14 |
The inside front cover of the TI984 contains 3 potentiometers to adjust audio levels. Use a small standard screwdriver to adjust the page line level. Before adjustments are made, turn the Party Line Level potentiometer fully counterclockwise and the Page Line Level potentiometer approximately
After the page level is adjusted, pick up the incoming call at a station near the TI984. When communications are established, adjust the Sidetone Adjust potentiometer on the TI984 for minimum sidetone on the
After the sidetone adjustment is completed, adjust the Party Line Level potentiometer until the level of the signal from the telephone line is comparable to the level of a signal within the system.
If all adjustments are made properly, pages from the TI984 will be the same volume as pages from a Page/Party® station. Party line adjustment should be tested from a Page/Party® station. When properly set, this communication with an outside call will sound like communication with another station.
Programming Summary Chart
| Factory Setting | Factory Setting | User |
Description | for Day Mode | for Night Mode | Programming |
Incoming Call Mode | Voice Access Method | Ring Access Method |
Voice Page Duration | 7 seconds | Not applicable with unit |
| in Ring Access Method |
Page to Answer Duration | 60 seconds | Not applicable with unit |
| in Ring Access Method |
Enabled | Not applicable with unit |
| |
| in Ring Access Method |
Incoming Rings | 4 | 1 |
7 seconds | 7 seconds |
| |
Day/Night Switch | Internal | Internal |
f:\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr.