•Upon completion of any service or product repair, have the M&S Systems dealer or installer conduct a safety check to ensure the system is in proper operating condition.
•Use only a damp cloth to clean the
Cautions: Wiring
•A qualified electrician must run a 120V AC line to the
•Individual wire runs should not exceed more than 350 FEET of wire from any single room station to the
•LABEL all wiring runs. Connecting the wires to the
•Run a single cable from the master unit location to each room station and door station in a “home run” fashion. Do not loop cable from one room station to another.
•DO NOT STAPLE CABLES! Staples cause shorts.
•DO NOT SPLICE CABLES. Splices are unreliable and defeat the signal isolation properties of the cables.
•DO NOT RUN ELECTRICAL WIRES THROUGH THE DMC WALL HOUSINGS. If you encounter 120VAC wires running through a wall housing during a retrofit you must have a qualified electrician rerun those wires around the wall housing.
•KEEP CABLES AT LEAST 18 INCHES FROM FLORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURES, DIMMER CONTROLS, AND ALL OTHER WIRING. This includes AC wiring, security cable, cordless phone units, and other control wires. These can cause a “hum” or “buzzing” sound.
www.mssystems.com 800.421.1587
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