Aiphone quick start Station Table, see page 155 of the AN-8000 guide

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Figure 5: Station Table, see page 155 of the AN-8000 guide.

Note: When assigning extensions remember that there are speed dials that involve 0, 7, 8, 9, (and off hook) in addition to the eight Autodials located on some of the handsets, so no extension should start with 0, 7, 8 or 9 unless you plan on not using those speed dials.

Figure 6: Speed Dialing for a door station, page 185 for an IP door station, or page 190 for an exchange connected door station.

Figure 7: Function Settings2 for a master station, page 183 for an IP master or 187 for an exchange connected master station.

Station Table

The Station Table is the tab that allows us to assign extensions to allow the end user to dial between equipment.

Switch to the Station Table tab and fill out the blank column Station Number for each device. If you need more than 2 digits, change the Station No. digits field first and press Enter to accept. To assign a Station Number, double click on the field you wish to change, and your curser will appear. Enter the extension you wish the End User to dial in order to call that station, then press Enter to accept. If you have an exchange, each Line Number (corresponding to the 16 ports on the back of each exchange) will also need to be filled out with the hardwired equipment you have, such as AN-8000MS or AN-8050DS selected from the Type drop down menu available when you select the field under Type you wish to change. You may also give it an 8 digit name, for caller ID on masters that have an LCD display.

Setting up Door Stations

Door stations have a single call button on them, we need to tell the button which master to Speed Dial when it is pressed.

Switch to the Station (or IP Station) tab and select the Station number you wish to edit. Under the Speed Dialing tab there is a Master Station No. that the door station’s call button can speed dial when pressed, put in the master station’s Station Number that you the station will call when the call button is pressed. Repeat this step for each door station in your system. See Advanced: Incoming Calls if you wish for more than one master to be able to answer the call, or if you wish to set up forwarding and transferring options.

Note on Door Release: To wire up door release, follow the diagram on page 113 or 118 section 3-25 or 3-30. Any master in communication with the door may press the key combination Transfer + Function + 0 to activate the relay added by the installer. No programming is necessary.

Setting up Master Stations

Master stations have many functions that need to be explicitly set in the software, such as how calls are handled, how long they ring, what master to transfer to when absent, and what music channels are available.

Switch to the Station (or IP Station) tab and select the Station No. you wish to edit. Under the Function Settings (or Function Settings2 if using IP master) change the Incoming Call mode to Continuous Call, which will allow the End User the option of taking the call when they are ready or just ignoring it. Repeat this step for each master. If you are setting up any transferring, forwarding or if you want other master station to answer a speed dial from a door station, see Advanced: Incoming Calls for more information. If you are setting up background music channel, volume levels, and a portion of CCTV integration see Advanced: Camera Call up and Background Music for more information.

Image 5
Contents Network Intercom System AN-8000 Series Page System selection screen Unit Scan Station Table, see page 155 of the AN-8000 guide Paging, see page 192 of the AN-8000 guide Function Settings1 to enable call forwarding Multi Interface Audio I/O tab, see