Wiring the System | 3M Model |
Configuration Worksheets
Use Configuration Worksheets 1 through 3 (located at the end of this document) to plan and record your system configuration. You can record the system wire locations, wire color scheme, and program settings on the worksheets. Store the worksheets in the inside cover of the Communications Controller using the service envelope provided.
Wiring Call Stations
Call Station wiring consists of the following for a
∙2 Speaker wires.
∙Speaker shield wire (used as Common for buttons).
∙Button A.
Configuration Worksheet 1 shows how to connect the Call Stations to the proper Communications Controller ports.
Station Selectors
Wiring Station Selectors involves connecting a minimum of 7 wires: 3 audio wires and 4 power and communications wires.
Refer to Configuration Worksheets 2 and 3 to determine the specific wires and connections to be made.