Panasonic KX-T1450 Others, AccessoryOrderInformation, LmportantInformation, Fitthepegat the sN/r

Page 15


olf thereis any trouble,disconnectthe unitfromthe telephonelineand connecta knownworkingphone.lf the knownworkingphoneoperatesproperly,haveyour Panasonicunitrepairedby one of the specifiedPanasonicFactoryServiceCenters.lf the knownworkingtelephonedoes not operateproperly,consultwithyourtelephone company.

oDo not use benzine,thinner,or similarsolventsDo. not use abrasivepowderto clean the cabinet.Wipeit witha softcloth.

oKeepthe unitawayfrom heatingappliancesand electricalnoisegeneratingdevices such as fluorescentlamps,motorsand televisionThese.noisesourcescan interfere withthe oerformanceof the unit.

oThe unitshouldbe keptfreeof dust,moisture,hightemperatureandvibration,and shouldnot be exposedto directsunlight.

oNeverattemptto insertwires,pins,etc.intothe ventsor otherholesof this unit.


oReplacementpartsand accessoriesare availablethroughyourlocalauthorizedparts distributor.

.For accessoryorder,calltollfree1-800-332-5368.


lf requestedby the TelephoneCompany,informthemas follows:

oFCC RegistrationNo.

. . . . (foundon the bottomof the unit)

o R i n g e r E q u i v a l e n c e

. . . . . . 0 . 4 8

oThe particulartelephonelineto whichthe equipmentis connected.

In the eventterminalequipmentcausesharmto the telephonenetwork,the telephone companyshouldnotifythe customer,if possible,that servicemay be stopped. However,where priornoticeis impractical,the companymay temporarilyceaseservice providingthatthey:

a)Promptlynotifythe customer.

b)Givethe customeran opportunityto correctthe problemwith their equipment.

c)Informthe customerof the rightto bringa complaintto the FederalCommunication Commissionpursuantto proceduresset out in FCC Rulesand RegulationsSubpart E of Part68.

Thetelephonecompanymay makechangesin itscommunicationsfacilities,equipment, operationsor procedures,wheresuch actionis reasonablyrequiredin the operationof its businessand is not inconsistentwiththe rulesand regulationsin F.C.C.Part68.

lf such changescan be reasonablyexpectedto renderany customerterminal equipmentincompatiblewithtelephonecompanycommunicationsfacilities,or require modificationor alterationof suchterminalequipment,or otherwisemateriallyaffectits use or performance,the customershallbe givenadequatenoticein writing,to allowthe customeran opportunityto maintainuninterruptedservice.


Dialthe telephon€ ForOGMSkip,


tonetelephoneonly. button.

pushvour' codenumber.! Theunitwill I ptaybact(.


.For BackSpace,






f ForSkip




the E button.


oTo recordthe




beginningof the

To changethe OGM

tape,pushthe g


1 . PushtheE

. To savethelCM,


hangup atter

2 . Saythenew

playback. ,:,t.,t],,:

OGM attera long


.To recorda


3 . Whenfinishing,




hearing2 beeps.

PartNo. Description Comment

KX-C300 OGM Tape

KX-C600 ICMTape

CASSETTEPANEL lf the oanelcomesoff,

replaceit by pushingas shown.

L(> --

Fitthepegat the sN/r \

";j "rid; VYsr/

- 2 5 -




Thisequipmenthas beentestedandfoundto complywiththe limitsfor a ClassB digital device,pursuantto Part15 of the F.C.C.Rules.Theselimitsare designedto provide

reasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterference a residentialinstallationThis. equipmentgenerates,uses,and can radiateradiofrequencyenergyand, if not installed and used in accordancewith the instructions,may causeharmfulinterferenceto radio communicationsHowever,.thereis no guaranteethatinterferencewill notoccurin a particularinstallationlf. this equipmentdoes cause harmfulinterferenceto radioor televisionreception,whichcan be determinedby turningthe equipmentoff andon, the user is encouragedto try to correctthe interferenceby one or moreof the following measures:

-Reorientor relocatethe receivingantenna.

-lncreasethe separationbetweenthe equipmentand receiver.

-Connectthe equipmentintoan outleton a circuitdifferentfrom that to whichthe receiveris connected.

-Consultthe dealeror an experiencedradio/TVtechnicianfor help.

RingerEquivalenceNo. (REN):

The RENis usefulin determiningthe quantityof devicesyou mayconnectto your telephonelineand stillhaveallof thosedevicesringwhenyourtelephonelineand still haveall of thosedevicesringwhenyourtelephonenumberis called.In most,but notall areas,the sum of the REN'sof alldevicesconnectedto one lineshouldnotexceedfive (5.0).To be certainof the numberof devicesyou mayconnectto yourline,as determinedby the REN,you shouldcontactyourlocaltelephonecompanyto determine the maximumRENfor yourcallingarea.

- 2 6 -

.When you pushany button,pushhrmly

Image 15
Contents Panasonic Tableof Contents Locationof the Controls Introduction Preparation Connection=/ sinsre-Linererephone Preparation InitialsettingsCassettetapeinstallation Toll SaverCheckingyourogm How to Recordan OutgoingMessageOGMHow to Record an Outgoing Message OGM RecordingtheogmListeningto the RecordedMessages SettingPriorto LeavingOtherFeatures BECORD,NGA PersonalmessagemessagememoSavingtherecordedmessages Erasingtherecordedmessages SettingtheremotecodeOtherFeatures Howto Operatefrom a RemotePhoneRecordinga Markermessage Playingback MessagesPLAYINGBACKNEWLY.RECORDEDMESSAGES Memoryplayback REWINDING/FASTFORWARDINGTAPEWHILEHEARING the MessagesSkippingtheogmforicm Recording Resettingtheicm TapeforfuturemessagesMonitoringroomsound ChangingtheoutgoingmessageIncomingMessagetapeis playedback,the Instruction page24 TroubleshootingGuideSETTING/CANCELLINGTHE Answermode SomeIncomingMessageshavenotbeen I SettheCPCswitchtoReferenciaRdpida ControlRemotodelTono MaintenanceCassetteTape Paraescucharmensajesdesdeotrotelefonoa DistanciaLmportantInformation AccessoryOrderInformationFor accessoryorder,calltollfree1-800-332-5368 Others

KX-T1451, KX-T1450 specifications

The Panasonic KX-T1450 and KX-T1451 are classic analog cordless phones that were popular for their reliability and user-friendly features. Designed for residential use, these models exhibit key characteristics that made them a staple in households during their time.

One of the main features of the KX-T1450 and KX-T1451 is their long-range communication capabilities. Operating on a frequency that allows for communication over considerable distances, these phones provide users with the flexibility to move around their homes while maintaining a clear connection. This wireless freedom is complemented by the phone’s extended battery life, which offers the peace of mind that users can stay connected without frequent recharging.

Another defining characteristic of these models is their ergonomic design. The handsets are lightweight and comfortably shaped, making prolonged usage more enjoyable. They also feature a backlit keypad, allowing for easy dialing in low-light conditions. With large, tactile buttons, users can effortlessly navigate through contacts and adjust settings.

In terms of technology, the KX-T1450 and KX-T1451 utilize DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) technology, which enhances voice clarity and reduces interference from other wireless devices. This makes them suitable for environments with multiple electronic devices, ensuring that conversations remain crisp and clear.

The phones also come equipped with essential functionalities such as caller ID, which allows users to identify incoming calls before answering. The memory dial feature enables quick access to frequently called contacts, streamlining communication. Additionally, the KX-T1451 model features an integrated answer machine, providing users with the ability to receive voicemails, thereby never missing important messages.

Furthermore, the phones support multiple handset setups, allowing users to add additional handsets for different rooms, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

Overall, the Panasonic KX-T1450 and KX-T1451 stand out for their combination of reliable performance, user-centric design, and essential communication features. Their legacy continues to highlight the significance of quality and reliability in home communication technology, even as modern digital solutions have become prevalent. For those seeking a dependable cordless phone solution, these models remain a commendable choice.