g.Check that the signal generator RF level is <
a.Ensure that both the radio and the Test Set are set to the appropriate channel spacing.
b.With the above setting, reduce the RF level to
c.Adjust the RF level until the SINAD meter reads 10dB. The radio should unmute. (Note: it will be necessary to press and hold the monitor button to read
<10dB SINAD).
Audio Output
a.Set the RF signal generator to 1mV pd
b.Connect the audio power meter to the external accessories socket on the radio, via the test box.
c.Adjust the volume control on the radio under test to maximum (fully clockwise). The voltmeter should indicate >= 1.55V. The audio power meter should read >= 300mW.
d.Decrease the volume control on the radio so that the voltmeter reads 1.0V. Check that the audio distortion is <5%.
Note: The audio power meter should be set to 8Ω .
This concludes the Performance Tests.
If the Radio should fail any of these tests it will be necessary to turn to the next section on Alignment.
4.4 Power Adjustment
Note: Any power adjustments made should be within R&TTE parameters.
Transmit periods longer than 5 minutes are to be avoided.
Power setting potentiometers are located underneath the upper label on the back of the radio. A replacement label is shipped with every radio.
Maxon SP200/210 Radio
This section is included here as it is not necessary to disassemble the radio in order to set the power output.
A stable power source is required and therefore the
For squelch adjustments, see Section 4.5.6.
12.5kHz Low
Squelch Power
Figure 4-9 - Back Panel Adjusters
a.Select a
b.Set the PTT switch to on.
c.Adjust RV1 (High) to give 5W ± 0.1W.
d.Set the PTT switch to off.
e.Select a
f.Set the PTT switch to on.
g.Adjust RV3 (Low) to give 1W ± 0.1W.
h.Set the PTT switch to off.
i.Repeat steps a to h until switching between the two channels gives Low Power of 1W and High Power of 5W.
j.Switch to a low frequency, low power channel.
k.Set the PTT switch to on.
l.Check that the power output is 1W ± 1.5dB (0.7 to 1.41W).
m.Set the PTT switch to off.
n.Repeat steps k to m for a low power, high frequency channel.
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