3.4 Testing your Network configuration
Now you have set up a basic network, it is strongly recommended to make sure it is working before continuing. To do this you need to "ping" (Packet InterNet Groper) the 640H from your PC. Ping is the most basic form of communication between two devices, as it is just a confirmation tool that the link is working correctly.
Ping a 640H from a Windows PC
1.Click "Start".
2.Select "Run".
3.Type "cmd" and press the "Enter" key. This will bring up a black command prompt window:
4.In the command prompt, type "ping IP address" followed by the enter key, where IP address is the IP address of the 640H (see above under "Setting up the IP address for the 640H" to find out the IP address of your 640H):
5.When the "Enter" key has been pressed one of three messages could appear:
a.Destination Host Unreachable.
b.Request Time Out.
c.Reply from (IP address here): bytes=32, time (time in ms), TTL=64
6.If you get one of the first two messages, please check your leads and computer setup by going through the procedures listed above again. If you see the third message then the network has been setup correctly. Type "exit" in the command prompt and press the "Enter" key. This will close the command prompt.
azur 640H
3.5 Setting up your PC to share music over a network
1.If you are using iTunes or other ripping software that has a default folder where your MP3's are stored, please check the folder is shared by following steps three to six below.
2.It is however recommended to create a folder in your root directory, (i.e. C:\ drive if on the same hard drive as windows or alternate suffix if your music is on a different hard drive, i.e. D:\, E:\ and so on) called MP3. All your music should be placed in this folder.
3.If you right click on the folder, select "Sharing" from the menu. This will
4.In the properties window that now appears, you need to select the button labelled "Share this folder". In the "Share name" text box type "MP3". Ignore the comment text box and in the user limit section, select the "Maximum Allowed" button:
5.Now press the "Permissions" button.
6.Select "Everyone" in the window that appears and set the permissions to allow everybody "Full control", "Change" and "Read" in the buttons below: