4.7Using a broadband modem connected to a PC as an Internet connection
If you have the unusual setup of a broadband modem connected to a PC directly and a 640H connected to the PC via the Ethernet port, but want the 640H to access the internet through the PC, you need to carry out the following:
1.On your PC, open up Internet Explorer.
2.Select "Tools" at the top of the window and select "Internet Options":
azur 640H
8. Keep the other two boxes ticked:
9. Close all the windows by clicking OK and then close Internet Explorer. The process is now complete.
3.Select the "Connections" tab.
4.Now select your modem connection and press the "Settings" button:
5. In the window that now appears, press the "Properties" button:
6. In the next window, select the "Advanced" tab:
7.Select the box labelled "Allow other network users to connect through this computers' Internet connection".