7.If "Everyone" is not listed in the window, press the "Add" button. Select "Everyone" and press" OK". Repeat step 6 above:
8.Close all the windows by pressing OK.
9.To be able to access your MP3's from other network devices, you need to know the name of your PC. To do this, on the "My Computer" icon, right click the icon and select "Properties". In the Properties window that now appears, select the "Network Identification" tab:
10.Note the "Full computer name" in the new window. This should be a simple one word name with no spaces or special characters; we recommend the room where your PC is. To change the name of your computer, click the "Properties" button, type the new name in the "Computer name" text box and press "OK". Press "OK" again:
You may be prompted to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. If this is the case, restart your PC.
3.6Testing your Music folder to see if it is shared over a Network
On the PC where you have just set up your music folder to be shared, you can test whether it has been shared by carrying out the following:
1. Select "Start" and then select "Run":
2.In the run prompt type: \\computer name\music folder name where the computer name is the name you have given to the PC as described above, and the music folder name is the shared name of your music folder as described above:
If you get your music folder contents to appear in a new window then you have set up the folder share correctly:
If you don't, then you need to go back over the steps above and recheck.
3.7 Changing the 640H name
As with a PC, the 640H needs to have a unique name over the network. This name by default is "Azur" and is located in Settings/System/System Info/Unit Name menu of the 640H. It is recommended to change this name to a simple one word name with no spaces or special characters, i.e. the room where the 640H is situated (lounge). If the 640H and PC are in the same room, then please use a suitable one word alternative.
Note: By default, the folder where all your music content is placed is called "media". Please see "Accessing the 640H from a PC" section for more.