Description of the remote controller
TUNER Functions
∙STANDBY TUNER: switcheson and switchesoff of the device.
∙SEARCH+: a single pressure of this button increases of one step the tuned frequency, a continuous pressure of a few
seconds activates a fast research increasing the tuned frequency of 6 steps.
∙SCAN+: the tuning frequency is increased to reach the first radio station which has a higher frequency than the one it started from; if this is not possible a complete scansion of the band is carried out and the present frequency is tuned again by just pressing the button.
∙0123456789 (NUMERIC KEYS): according to the functioning state of the Tuner you have two different actions:
∙When the tuner is on STORE modality, it is possible to press, using the numeric keys, the preset number in which you want to memorize the station, and after it is possible to save it by pressing the key STORE.
∙When the tuner is not on STORE modality it is possible to press, using the numeric keys, the preset number in order to recall a station that has been previously memorized.