•Wait for a pause in someone else’s transmission before you ask for a break.
•If you do not receive an answer to your call after a second attempt, sign off and wait sev- eral minutes before trying again.
•Do not hold down the PUSH TO TALK button when you are not talking. (This is called dead key- ing.)
•Assist callers with directions, road conditions, and any other reasonable requests.
The maximum range and quality of CB transmissions vary depending on these conditions:
•The type and quality of antenna used
•The height of the antenna’s mounting location — the higher the antenna, the better the sig- nal’s range
•The surrounding terrain — mountains and tall buildings limit the range
•Weather conditions
•The current setting of RANGE on your CB
•The number of nearby CBs operating on the same channel
•Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) between the antenna and the CB. You can check the SWR between the CB and a mobile antenna using an SWR tester (Cat. No.