MPD8610 O/M.QXD 8/12/02 11:27 AM Page 17
You can search for a song by title, using the letter buttons to enter the name of the song.
First, press the FILE SEARCH/ENTER button, followed by the appropriate letters to enter the name of the song. Remember that each letter button can enter 4 or 5 letters/numbers depending on the number of times you press the button. If you press the 1ABC button once, the number “1” appears. Press twice for “A”, 3 times for “B” and 4 times for “C”. For example, if the first word in the song title is “Funny”, you would enter the word “Funny” on the display as follows:
1 |
| 2 |
| 1 |
| 2 |
Press the FILE SEARCH/ | Press the STOP/2DEF button | |
ENTER button once. |
| ❶ 4 times to select the letter |
| “F”, then press the FILE |
| SEARCH/ENTER button ❷ to |
| enter the “F” and move the |
| cursor to the next position. |
3 |
| Press the ESP/7TUV button |
| ❶ 3 times to select the letter |
| 2 | “U”, then press the FILE |
1 | SEARCH/ENTER button ❷ to | |
| enter the “U” and move the | |
| cursor to the next position. |
| 17 |