Directory Call
See page 20 to learn how to setup a MMSI directory. To call a number from your directory:
1.Use the ↑ ↓ keys to select a
2.Press the CALL key.
3.Use the ↑ ↓ keys to select the call type — DIR, LAST, NEW or ALL- SHIPS. Select DIR, then press CALL.
4.Use the ↑ ↓ keys to choose a MMSI location number
5.Press the CALL key to transmit. The called radio will acknowledge and a communication link will be established. Just press PTT to talk.
In the following example, Ch. 8 was used to call a MMSI stored in di- rectory No. 3.
Choose directory mode
Waiting for ACK
ACK blinks until PTT is pressed
When the ACK ANNUNCIATOR turns on, the calling channel has been tuned in and a communication link established. Press PTT to talk.
Distress Call
In an emergency situation, lift the red cover on the front panel to make a Distress call to the Coast Guard. Press and hold the DISTRESS key for